Hi Marco,

with latest Karaf 2.3.x, the blueprint containers are now synchronous. It should help in your case.


On 08/12/2013 01:49 PM, Marco Westermann wrote:

I have done further investigations and found out the following:

1. I dont think that it is a problem of karaf / blueprint cause the logs
have the following lines in it:

15:39:35,876 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 |
BlueprintCamelContext            | 100 - org.apache.camel.camel-core -
2.10.6 | Apache Camel 2.10.6 (CamelContext: magentoProductStockContext)
is starting
15:39:36,578 | INFO  | rint Extender: 1 |
BlueprintCamelContext            | 100 - org.apache.camel.camel-core -
2.10.6 | Apache Camel 2.10.6 (CamelContext:
mageProductPriceblueprintContext) is starting
15:39:44,393 | INFO  | rint Extender: 3 |
BlueprintCamelContext            | 100 - org.apache.camel.camel-core -
2.10.6 | Apache Camel 2.10.6 (CamelContext:
mageChangedArticlesBlueprintContext) is starting

I think if the bundle is waiting for osgi service dependency the camel
context would not be started, would it?

2. I do not have that problem on a ubuntu linux environment. But I can
reproduce it everytime on my windows 2008 maschine.

regards, Marco

Am 10.08.2013 16:00, schrieb Marco Westermann:

I have the problem that my bundles are not starting. I use karaf
2.2.11 (smx 4.5.2)

When I start karaf three of my bundles remain in the status: starting
and all later bundles are never started.
I do the following to reproduce the problem:

1. delete the data directory
2. start servicemix
3. add my features url
4. install my feature --> the most time everything works now.. every
bundle is started
5. stop servicemix
6. start servicemix

This is my log when restarting servicemix (6)

and this is the list result in servicemix:


Anybody have an idea whats going wrong / where the problem is?

thank you and regards,


PS. This is the output from info command:

  Karaf version               2.2.11
  Karaf home                  C:\QBus\smx452
  Karaf base                  C:\QBus\smx452
  OSGi Framework              org.apache.felix.framework - 3.2.2

  Java Virtual Machine        Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
version 23.25-b01
  Version                     1.7.0_25
  Vendor                      Oracle Corporation
  Uptime                      16 minutes
  Total compile time          34.228 seconds
  Live threads                58
  Daemon threads              45
  Peak                        60
  Total started               211
  Current heap size           48,029 kbytes
  Maximum heap size           1,013,632 kbytes
  Committed heap size         126,912 kbytes
  Pending objects             0
  Garbage collector           Name = 'Copy', Collections = 269, Time =
2.562 seconds
  Garbage collector           Name = 'MarkSweepCompact', Collections =
3, Time = 0.895 seconds
  Current classes loaded      7,099
  Total classes loaded        7,100
  Total classes unloaded      1
Operating system
  Name                        Windows Server 2008 R2 version 6.1
  Architecture                amd64
  Processors                  1

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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