Karaf 2.3.3

Karaf 2.3.3

What is the Blueprint syntax to instantiate and initialize object properties 
when the command is executed?

The XML below will define the command and contains a reference to the interface 
of the service the command will use.  I would like the syntax to instantiate 
and initialize the property MyService for an MyCommand object when the command 
is executed by a user.

* blueprint.xml
        <command-bundle xmlns="http://karaf.apache.org/xmlns/shell/v1.0.0";>
                <command name=“command/doSomething”>
                        <action class=“com.foo.MyCommand" />                    

        <reference id=“Service” interface=“com.foo.MyService” />

* MyCommand.java
package com.foo;

import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Command;
import org.apache.karaf.shell.console.OsgiCommandSupport;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

@Command(scope = “command”, name = “doSomething”, description = "Example 
public class MyCommand extends OsgiCommandSupport {
  private MyService _myService;
  private static Logger _logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyCommand.class);

  protected Object doExecute() throws Exception {
    _logger.info(“Command ‘command:doSomething’ executed and returned “ + 
    return void;

  MyService getMyService() {
     return _myService;
  void setMyService( MyService service) {
     _myService = service;


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