Hi Richard,

As Christian said, it works. The jdbc:create command is just for convenience. The jdbc:datasources is lookup for all javax.sql.DataSource services.

You have probably an issue at deployment. Did you check in the karaf.log ?


On 02/03/2014 04:44 PM, Richard Kettelerij wrote:
With regard to accessing databases in Karaf the overal recommended way
seems to be to declare a javax.sql.Datasource in Blueprint and expose it
as a OSGi service so other bundles can make use of it.

This is easily done by placing the blueprint file in the /deploy
directory as described by Christian on [1]. Unfortunately this doesn't
work for me with Karaf 2.3.3. While the blueprint bundle is loaded
correctly is doesn't seem to expose any service properties. My
"osgi.jndi.service.name <http://osgi.jndi.service.name>" property isn't
available in the service registry, hence other bundles can't find the

I've check this by calling 'ls <id of blueprint datasource bundle>' in
the shell. This doesn't return any results.

PS: I know about the new JDBC commands in Karaf 3.0 (and Karaf 2.3.4
hopefully soon) but this is also suppose to work right?



Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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