
2014-03-20 10:01 GMT+01:00 <>:

> Hi Bengt,
> Yes it's already done.
> Regards
> JB
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> Talend -
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Bengt Rodehav" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: XML unmarshalling performance in Karaf
> Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 9:38 am
> OK - thanks JB,
> I guess that means that the next version of Karaf will have this property
> set to 0 by default?
> /Bengt
> 2014-03-19 17:30 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>:
>> Hi guys,
>> the reason is explained in:
>> I already set it to 0, but, as you can see in this commit:
>> I think we fixed the 0 timeout support in ServiceMix Specs 2.3.0 (the
>> issue was with 1.9.0). I gonna check and I will set the timeout to 0 if
>> it's correctly supported by the specs.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 03/19/2014 02:00 PM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>>> Mmh, i would have liked to get away with the explanation ;-)
>>> So the problem is related to java specifications, like jaxp, stax,
>>> jaxws, jaxb, etc...
>>> The packages are usually provided by the JRE and the discovery is done
>>> using META-INF/services usually.
>>> Unfortunately, this does not work well in OSGi because the application
>>> classloader is used for discovery.
>>> The servicemix-specs project makes this integration of java specs work
>>> in OSGi.
>>> Over the years, it has improved in various ways, but now, we have the
>>> following:
>>>    * the discovery part of the various specs is enhanced to be OSGi
>>> friendly
>>>    * those enhanced specs are in the ${karaf.home}/endorsed folder so
>>> that they are used instead of the JRE ones
>>>    * the discovery mechanism will look for an implementation bundle in
>>> OSGi, then default to the JRE implementation
>>> Historically, the discovery of JRE implementations was not possible, so
>>> implementations had to be deployed as bundles.
>>> However, given there's no way to order the resolution of bundles
>>> sufficiently, we needed a timeout so that when a bundle was using one of
>>> the spec, for example the xml parser, the discovery would wait for an
>>> implementation bundle to become available.  Without that timeout, the
>>> discovery could fail during the karaf startup.
>>> However, since the JRE implementations can now be leveraged (mostly
>>> because the specs are now endorsed instead of being deployed as
>>> bundles), that timeout can be safely set to 0 so that the specs won't
>>> wait until a bundle implementation is available, but will delegate to
>>> the JRE directly if no bundle implementation is present.
>>> Some weeks ago, I had a quick chat with Jean-Baptiste about setting back
>>> the timeout to 0, but we delayed it for some reason I don't recall.
>>>   Maybe JB remembers ...
>>> 2014-03-19 13:28 GMT+01:00 Bengt Rodehav <
>>> <>>:
>>>     Hello Guillaume!
>>>     That made all the difference in the world. The CPU now finally
>>>     started to work and processing time for 1000 of my exchanges went
>>>     down to 9s from 38s.
>>>     But you've got some explaining to do :-)
>>>     What is the purpose of this property and why is it set as high as
>>>     100 ms? Also, what can go wrong if I set it to 0?
>>>     /Bengt
>>>     2014-03-19 11:43 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Nodet <
>>>     <>>:
>>>         I don't think your problem is concurrency, but just wait.
>>>         Make the org.apache.servicemix.specs.timeout property is set to
>>>         0 in etc/ and retry.
>>>         2014-03-19 10:25 GMT+01:00 Bengt Rodehav <
>>>         <>>:
>>>             To clarify, again looking at the sampler info, the locate()
>>>             method spends all its time waiting which indicates a
>>>             concurrency/synchronization problem.
>>>             When googling about this I found the following JIRA:
>>>             This seems to have been fixed though.
>>>             I'm not exactly sure how the locator works and if I install
>>>             a locator myself or not. I've tried to see what bundle
>>>             exports the org.apache.servicemix.specs.locator package but
>>>             no bundle does that. So I guess it's a private package in
>>>             some bundle.
>>>             Perhaps someone can inform me how this works so I can check
>>>             if I need an updated version of some bundle?
>>>             /Bengt
>>>             2014-03-19 9:56 GMT+01:00 Bengt Rodehav <
>>>             <>>:
>>>                 Thanks to Guillaume I managed to get the VisualVM to
>>>                 work with Karaf.
>>>                 I then ran my transformations a number of times while
>>>                 sampling to see where the time is spent. I attach an
>>>                 image from a snapshot from VisualVM. I'm not sure if it
>>>                 will be accepted by the mailing list but if anyone wants
>>>                 to look at it I can send it to your email directly if
>>>                 you want.
>>>                 I'm not an expert on interpreting VisualVM profiling
>>>                 info but it seems to me that in the thread doing the
>>>                 transformation, more than 90% of the time is spent in
>>>                 org.apache.servicemix.specs.locator.OsgiLocator.locate().
>>> This
>>>                 explains why the XML unmarshalling runs so much slower
>>>                 in Karaf than outside of OSGi.
>>>                 Can anyone verify if I'have interpreted this correct? If
>>>                 so, then we have a serious performance problem in the
>>>                 OsgiLocator.
>>>                 /Bengt
>>>                 Infogad bild 1
>>>                 2014-03-18 15:28 GMT+01:00 Bengt Rodehav
>>>                 < <>>:
>>>                     I'm using karaf 2.3.4 and Camel 2.13.3.
>>>                     I've been investigating performance problems with
>>>                     Camel's "sjms" component. Here is the discussion:
>>>                     http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.
>>> com/sjms-and-multiple-threads-td5748836.html
>>>                     However, at the end I discovered that my real
>>>                     problem was the unmarshalling of an XML file in
>>>                     Karaf. For some reason, if I unmarshall a certain
>>>                     XML file it takes about 105 ms in Karaf. If I do the
>>>                     same from my Junit test in Eclipse it takes around
>>>                     10 ms. In fact, in Eclipse it starts with around 30
>>>                     ms but consecutive calls gradually go down to 7-8
>>>                     ms. In Karaf it doesn't matter how many times I do
>>>                     the unmarshalling. It stays at about 105 ms
>>> everytime.
>>>                     I'm very confused about this.
>>>                     The actual code looks like this (approximately):
>>>                        public MmlMessage unmarshallMmlMessage(String
>>>                     theXml) throws JAXBException {
>>>                          final Unmarshaller unMarshaller =
>>>                     cMmlMessageJAXBcontext.createUnmarshaller();
>>>                          StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new
>>>                     StringReader(theXml));
>>>                          long t0 = System.nanoTime();
>>>                          JAXBElement<?> mmlMessageElement =
>>>                     unMarshaller.unmarshal(ss, MmlMessage.class);
>>>                          long t1 = System.nanoTime();
>>>                          MmlMessage mmlMessage = (MmlMessage)
>>>                     mmlMessageElement.getValue();
>>>                          System.out.println("t1: " + (t1-t0) + " ns");
>>>                          return mmlMessage;
>>>                        }
>>>                     The MmlMessage class is generated from an XML schema
>>>                     using maven-jaxb2-plugin. But it shouldn't matter
>>>                     since the same classes are used within Karaf as
>>>                     outside of Karaf.
>>>                     I assumed that for some reason I'm not running the
>>>                     same code in Karaf as outside Karaf. When logging
>>>                     the actual class of the unMarshaller variable I get:
>>>                     "com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.
>>> unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl"
>>>                     both within and outside Karaf.
>>>                     The classloader for the unMarshaller in Karaf is:
>>>                     "org.apache.felix.framework.
>>> BundleWiringImpl@5740eacd".
>>>                     I thought I had the answer when I noted that outside
>>>                     Karaf I use the Jaxb implementation that is listed
>>>                     in Camel-jaxb dependencies. This is version 2.1.13.
>>>                     In Karaf I had installed a jaxb version from
>>>                     servicemix bundles namely:
>>>                            <groupId>org.apache.
>>> servicemix.bundles</groupId>
>>>                     <artifactId>org.apache.
>>> servicemix.bundles.jaxb-impl</artifactId>
>>>                            <version></version>
>>>                     So I forced my Junit test to use the same servicemix
>>>                     bundles version but it was still equally fast as
>>>                     before. No where near the 105 ms I get in Karaf.
>>>                     I realize that this probably is not a Karaf problem
>>>                     per se. But, I know there are probably lots of
>>>                     people on this mailing that have handled XML a lot
>>>                     in Karaf. Do you have any tips on what to look at?
>>>                     What could cause this performance problem?
>>>                     /Bengt
>> --
>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>> Talend -

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