That looks good.
Could you raise a JIRA and attach your sample project please so that we can
reproduce and investigate the issue.

2015-07-13 21:17 GMT+02:00 Bryan Miller <>:

> The headers in karaf list ranges. Here are the Imports for the "Bundle A":
> (484)
> -----------------
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName =
> Bundle-Version = 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name =
> Import-Service =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore.MerlinExploreService;multiple:=false,
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl.ThreatService;multiple:=false
> Import-Package =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore;version="[2.0,3)",
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl;version="[2.0,3)",
> org.osgi.service.blueprint;version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)"
> (486)
> -----------------
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName =
> Bundle-Version = 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name =
> Import-Service =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore.MerlinExploreService;availability:=optional;multiple:=false,
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl.ThreatService;availability:=optional;multiple:=false
> Import-Package =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore;version="[1.0,2)",
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl;version="[1.0,2)",
> org.osgi.service.blueprint;version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)"
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore and com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl are
> "Bundles B and C" Here are the exports:
> explore (480)
> -------------
> Export-Package =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore;
> uses:="org.openrdf.model,
> org.openrdf.repository,
> org.apache.log4j,
> org.openrdf.query,
> version=2.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> explore (485)
> -------------
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName = explore
> Bundle-Version = 1.1.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name = explore
> Export-Package =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.explore;
> uses:="org.openrdf.model,
> org.openrdf.repository,
> org.apache.log4j,
> org.openrdf.query,
> version=1.1.0.SNAPSHOT
> merlin.service.impl (479)
> -------------------------
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName = merlin.service.impl
> Bundle-Version = 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name = merlin.service.impl
> Export-Package =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl;
> uses:=",
> org.openrdf.repository,
> org.openrdf.model,
> org.apache.log4j,
> org.openrdf.query,
> version=2.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> merlin.service.impl (487)
> -------------------------
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-SymbolicName = merlin.service.impl
> Bundle-Version = 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> Bundle-Name = merlin.service.impl
> Export-Package =
> com.inovexcorp.merlin.service.impl;
> uses:=",
> org.openrdf.model,
> org.openrdf.repository,
> org.openrdf.query";
> version=1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Guillaume Nodet <>
> wrote:
>> You need to use version ranges when you import packages.  This will
>> ensure a compatible package will be used and avoid any class cast
>> exceptions.
>> Your use case is quite simple and should clearly not cause any issue if
>> you use correct version ranges.
>> 2015-07-10 21:07 GMT+02:00 Bryan Miller <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to deploy multiple version of two sets of bundles and am
>>> running into issues.
>>> Bundle A version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT requires:
>>> Bundle B version [1,2)
>>> Bundle C version [1,2)
>>> Bundle A version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT requires:
>>> Bundle B version [2,3)
>>> Bundle C version [2,3)
>>> When I deploy Bundle A, B, and C version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and Bundle A,B,
>>> and C version 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT, Bundle A, regardless of version, will only
>>> wire to Bundle B or C if it was the most recently deploye bundle.
>>> For example if I deploy
>>> Bundle A(1.0.0-SNAPSHOT), then
>>> Bundle B (1.0.0-SNAPSHOT), then
>>> Bundle C(1.0.0-SNAPSHOT), then
>>> Bundle A(2.0.0-SNAPSHOT), then
>>> Bundle B(2.0.0-SNAPSHOT), then
>>> Bundle C(2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
>>> This causes Bundle A(2.0.0-SNAPSHOT) to work, and Bundle
>>> A(1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) to give class cast exceptions. This also happens in
>>> reverse, if the 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT bundles are deployed first, the
>>> 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT bundles work and the 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT bundles have class cast
>>> exceptions.
>>> --
>>> *Bryan Miller*
> --
> *Bryan Miller*

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