On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 4:56 PM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2015, at 3:09 PM, Benson Margulies <ben...@basistech.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 1:54 PM, David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> I’d suggest ditching blueprint and using ds.
>> I might, except ...
>> 1) CXF has a blueprint integration, and not a DS integration.
> What does this integration do?  IIRC blueprint doesn’t let you create your 
> own component instances either so I’d guess this must do something like 
> register certain blueprint components as jax* thingies in cxf?

The following publishes a blueprint bean as a CXF restful service,
registered with the whiteboard. CXF does not have DS metadata, so if I
wanted to do this with DS, I'd have to write out the code myself, and
I would have to research the particular step needed to get CXF to
nestle into the whiteboard. I know what the Java equivalent of this is
-- except for the connection to the whiteboard.

<jaxrs:server id='workerJaxrsService' address="/worker">
        <ref component-id="workerService"/>

>> 2) Can you suggest a DS tutorial that does not lead straight into a
>> maze of twisty passages related to BND versus Felix annotations,
>> plugins, and processors?
> Well, I use the spec :-).  Ignore any non-spec annotations and any claims 
> they are good for anything :-) (except the new bnd xml meta-annotation, for 
> which however there are no publicly available useful examples of yet).
> I guess it’s time for me to write such a tutorial ….

Please do. Using blueprint is like a trip in a time machine to the
olden times of Spring. I've read the spec, but does not illuminate
what combination of Maven dependencies plugins (and BND plugins?) that
will result in anything except a horrible wiring error about 'must be
at compile time' which was my reward for trying to follow the tutorial
I found. I can probably persuade my friends at CXF to help me with
that part if I could get over the proverbial hump at all.

Thanks, as it were, in advance -- benson

> thanks
> david jencks
>>> david jencks
>>>> On Sep 5, 2015, at 1:38 PM, Benson Margulies <ben...@basistech.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Benson Margulies <ben...@basistech.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> org.apache.aries.blueprint.synchronous=true
>>>> Unfortunately for me, I see that
>>>> org.apache.aries.blueprint.synchronous=true is already in the default
>>>> config.properties, so I'm puzzled.

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