
1. yes OBR resolver is now deprecated as we have the FeaturesResolver now.

2. Features are missing for your feature (it's not closed feature). In your case, it looks like aries-blueprint feature is missing.


On 11/13/2015 09:19 AM, conejo wrote:
I have several problems with version 4.0.3, possibly caused by my
inexperience with Karaf
1. I created a feature and a distribution using the archetypes of karaf
When generating the feature I get the next item in the pom.xml:
<Address> (OBR) </ address>
And to start the distribution which includes that feature, I get the error:
ava.io.IOException: Unable to validate mvn: I org.yaroqui.ornitorrinco /
basket-feature / 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT / xml / features: mvn: I
org.yaroqui.ornitorrinco / basket-feature / 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT / xml / features
Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Not
allowed attribute 'solve' appears in the 'feature' element.

More or less.

OK, I delete the item (OBR): my distribution starts.

2. I make changes to the file feature.xml
<Features name = "$ {project.artifactId} - $ {} project.version" xmlns =
<Repository> mvn: org.apache.karaf.features / enterprise / 4.0.3 / XML /
features </ repository>
     <Feature name = '$ {project.artifactId}' description = '$
{project.name}' version = '$ {project.version}'>
         <Details> project.description $ {} </ details>
         <! - Features ->
        <Feature> pax-jsf-support </ feature>
<Feature version = "2.2.0"> jpa </ feature>
<Feature> jndi </ feature>
<Feature version = "4.3.6.Final"> hibernate </ feature>
<Feature> hibernate-validator </ feature>
<Feature> transaction </ feature>

<! - Bundles ->
<Bundle> mvn: org.hsqldb / hsqldb / 2.3.1 </ bundle>
<Bundle> mvn: org.primefaces / PrimeFaces / 5.1 </ bundle>
     </ Feature>

</ Features>

To create and run my distribution back I get the error:
org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException: Unable to resolve root:
missing requirement [root] osgi.identity; osgi.identity = JPA; type =
karaf.feature; version = 2.2.0 [Caused by: Unable to resolve jpa / 2.2.0:
missing requirement [jpa / 2.2.0] osgi.identity; osgi.identity =
org.apache.aries.jpa.support; type = osgi.bundle; version = "[2.2.0,2.2.0]";
resolution: = mandatory [Caused by: Unable to resolve
org.apache.aries.jpa.support/2.2.0: missing requirement
[org.apache.aries.jpa.support/2.2.0] osgi.wiring.package; filter: = "(&
(osgi.wiring.package = org.osgi.service.coordinator) (version> = 1.0.0)
((version> = 2.0.0))!)" [Caused by: Unable to resolve org
.apache.felix.coordinator / 1.0.0: missing requirement
[org.apache.felix.coordinator / 1.0.0] osgi.identity; osgi.identity =
transaction-condition-aries_blueprint; type = karaf.feature; version =
"[1.3.0,1.3.0]"; resolution: = mandatory [Caused by: Unable to resolve
transaction-condition-aries_blueprint / 1.3.0: missing requirement
[transaction-condition-aries_blueprint / 1.3.0] osgi.identity; osgi.identity
= aries-blueprint; type = karaf.feature; condition: = true]]]]

And I can stop karaf only using Control + C

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Sent from the Karaf - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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