I think different people handle things in different ways. Most people
who work on karaf seem to use the maven bundle plugin with pax-exam for
testing. The maven-bundle-plugin uses bnd tools underneath and just
moves the configuration into your pom file instead of .bnd or .bndrun
file. What I have been moving to as a very beginner in karaf is the
bnd-maven-plugin and bnd-indexer-plugin. These allow for tighter
integration with bnd tools but are really alpha in bnd tool 3.1 You have
to get the builds from bnd tools ci and they don't have support for bnd
tools running and packaging. I also find myself taking all the features
that I use from karaf and coping the information in there to bnd files
so I can run test and package from bnd tools which is a lot of
duplication of work. Bnd Tools is working on adding better maven support
but they are really built up around eclipse and gradle at this time. I
think you will have to find what works for you and what features you

David Daniel 

On 2015-11-25 09:41, deadbrain wrote: 

> Hi all Karaf gurus,
> just a little question dealing with BndTools, I am supposed to refactor
> an existing Spring DM application into an OSGi + Blueprint application
> to be deployed inside ServiceMix (3.4 or 4). As a consequence I would
> like to use Bndtools but launching Karaf rather than the defaut Gogo
> shell would be more convenient.
> What is the best way to do that ?
> I am supposed to write or reuse an ApplicationFactory ? I found a couple
> of implementations in github (ready to use ?)
> Is there any other valuable option?
> Kind regards
> Jerome

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