2015-12-02 14:59 GMT+01:00 Christian Schneider <ch...@die-schneider.net>:

> On 02.12.2015 14:46, David Leangen wrote:
>> Fully agree about the transitive closedness of a repository. I think we
>>>> will need a mechanism to validate this. Ideally already at build time.
>>>> Though I am not sure if each repository must be transitively closed.
>>> I also agree.
>> Actually, bndtools already has a resolution tool for this, but it is
>> based on the repositories installed in the workspace. By envoking the
>> resolution function, (i) the resolution is validated, and (ii) the runtime
>> descriptor (bndrun) file is generated.
> This is a bit of a different case. bndtools only validates that the
> requirements you list can be resolved.
> What we meant is that we should also validate the whole repository. I
> think currently it could happen that some bundles in a repository can not
> be resolved.
> If the repository is created during a build this could point to a problem.
> So validation would help to get a good quality for the repository.
>> For example if you would create a repository for your application but
>>>> also use a repository for hibernate that is already provided (at some
>>>> point) by hibernate. Then you would not want to reiterate all the
>>>> bundles from hibernate
>>>> in your repository. So maybe we can say that a set of repositories must
>>>> be transitively closed. We could use this concept similarly to the
>>>> feature validation where you can give the validator maven plugin
>>>> additional feature repos to
>>>> include.
Remember resource repositories can also point to other resource

> Very well explained. :-)
>> Or instead of giving additional feature repos, perhaps the other OBRs
>> could be provided as arguments. If all the correct OBRs are provided, then
>> the system becomes transitively closed.
> Exactly. There should be a validation that you can call with a list of
> obrs.
>> Perhaps what is missing in enRoute is a karaf runtime integration for
>> testing that everything in a bnd workspace properly resolves at runtime. If
>> the right OBRs are not provided, and the system is not transitively closed,
>> the resolution will throw an error. This would be a quick and easy
>> development-time validation of the requirements. If a OBR-referencing
>> “feature resolution” works at development time, then normally it should
>> also work at runtime.
> As soon as we also have obr indexes for the karaf features it should be
> easier to work with this in bndtools.

I read in the bndtools doc that it support multiple kind of repositories.
Can't we just add support for feature repositories ?

> The more I think about it, the less I think it's a good idea to have
>>>>> too much support for applications.  It will lack support for some
>>>>> features at a later point, and those have been already solved and
>>>>> would only support simple use cases.
>>>> I think that “application” is a misnomer, and leads to a
>> misunderstanding of what the “driving” bundle is supposed to accomplish.
>> All the “application” bundle does is act as the driving bundle to pull in
>> all the requirements. It is actually very similar to the idea of a feature,
>> I think. It describes all the requirements to get the
>> application/unit/feature/whatever to run. It is best to disassociate the
>> concept with an actual “application”. I feel that this is causing confusion.
>> By the way, bndtools does have a concept of a deployment descriptor
>> (bndrun). All it is, really, is just an index of the resolved bundles, i.e.
>> the bundles that are available in the workspace, and are therefore
>> available to the runtime. The list is simply the output of the resolve
>> operation, nothing more. This could easily be done at runtime as well.
> The result of the resolve in bndtools is not the list of bundles in the
> workspace. It is the list of the bundles to be installed.
> Karaf does the same internally in the feature service. You just do not yet
> see it as we are lacking support for an obr index that backs a feature
> file. As soon as Guillaume pushes his changes it should become clearer what
> karaf can do there. Then you just add your indexes and the application
> bundle to the feature file and karaf does the resolve step at runtime.t

What we would need is the input that was given to the bndtooling during
resolution / validation.
If we have this, we could certainly have a successful resolution too.
Tough having a list of bundles, i.e. the output of the resolution would
work too.

> Christian
> --
> Christian Schneider
> http://www.liquid-reality.de
> Open Source Architect
> http://www.talend.com

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