
I want to install a bundle (if it is not already installed) from maven on
Karaf restart. So to achieve this I added it in the /etc/startup.properties
as below:-

# add here bundles you want to install while system startup, e.g.
# joda-time/joda-time/2.9/joda-time-2.9.jar=10
mvn\:com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations/2.7.4 = 10

But on trying to start karaf I am getting the below exception:-

jabongs-MacBook-Pro-4:apache-servicemix-6.1-2.0 debraj$ bin/servicemix

Please wait while Apache ServiceMix is starting...

Error installing bundle listed in startup.properties with url:
mvn:com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations/2.7.4 and startlevel: 10

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.destroy(Main.java:533)

at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.main(Main.java:173)

The same bundle installs fine when I try to install it via the below
command after Karaf has started:-


Bundle ID: 237

Can some one help me in the following:-

   1. Why is the bundle installation failing on Karaf start?
   2. I am seeing the error only when Karaf is started for the first time.
   After that I am not seeing the above error nor the bundle is installed. So
   is it that Karaf tries to install the bundle in startup.properties only
   when it is started for the very first time?

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