
In one of my bundle I am having a dependency mentioned below:-






I am using a KAR packaging but after placing the bundle in Karaf. I am
seeing it is importing version 1.0.1 of the library. Below is the import I
am seeing from Karaf web console:-

com.github.arnabk.statsd,version=0.0.0 from
(262) <http://localhost:8181/system/console/bundles/262>
com.mysql.jdbc,version=0.0.0 from wrap_mvn_mysql_mysql-connector-java_5.1.6
(270) <http://localhost:8181/system/console/bundles/270>
com.sun.jna,version=0.0.0 from com.sun.jna (264)
<http://localhost:8181/system/console/bundles/264> -- Overwritten by Boot
com.timgroup.statsd,version=0.0.0 from
(262) <http://localhost:8181/system/console/bundles/262>

Also checking bundle:list I am seeing version 1.0.1 of the bundle

*karaf@root*>bundle:list | grep dog*

262 | Active |  80 | 0                                  |

Because my bundle is picking version 1.0.1 of the dogstatsd client I am
getting "Method Not Found Error"

Can some one please let me know:-

   1. Why dogstatsd-client 1.0.1 is getting installed even though I have
   mentioned 1.0.3 in pom.xml?
   2. How can I make my bundle install and use version 1.0.3 version of

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