What kind of services do you create? Blueprint, Component, direct Activator?

I use Component, and the Component waits for the required components to be available and then starts.

I have had issues in the past with badly coded direct Activators not starting in the correct order. I then found that I had to poll periodically in the Activator to see if the service was available now.

Components took care of all that.

Now this process means you have to use scr:list to determine that the Components did indeed start correctly, but we have monitors in place that verifies this for us now.

On 07/14/2016 08:33 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
I don't think so, no. I do not do any dynamic installation. I use the
Maven plugin to make an assembly with all the features I need. I then
observe that the startup order is not deterministic from machine to
machine, and it is particularly prone to change when I stop and start
the container without clearing out the data directory.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 1:39 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:
Hi Benson,

I guess you are using the deploy folder, so the fileinstall deployer, right


On 07/13/2016 10:56 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

We've had a couple of incidents of latent problems stemming from
invalid assumptions on bundle start order. Everything seems to be
fine, then some trivial change reveals that we've failed to ensure
that service 'a' is available before component 'b' needs it. by and
large, we use DS to get this right, but there are a few cases where it
does not serve.

I am wondering: is there some way to get _more_ randomness out of the
startup process, to shake out mistakes like this?


Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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