I build all my features with the karaf-maven-plugin.

On Sep 20, 2016 3:12 AM, <t...@quarendon.net> wrote:

> Up until now I've been developing code using bndtools in eclipse, writing
> bndrun
> files, resolving them, and running my application that way. The resolution
> step
> resolves all the requirements from the set of OBR repositories. All very
> easy
> (well, it is now, once I got over the learning curve :-) )
> I'm now trying to deploy those same applications into karaf, and so
> wanting to
> write feature repository XML files the the same thing. So naively I seem
> to want
> to create a feature XML file that is the same as my resolved bndrun file.
> Is
> there an easy way to do this? Is there an easy way to write feature
> repository
> files, or do I have to maintain those separately? It also feels that the
> way I
> have to write the files depends on how I'm deploying. So if I want to
> deploy
> from a maven repository, my bundle references need to be in one form, but
> If I'm
> deploying directly from disk, my bundle references have to be in another
> form.
> Is there an easy way to manage the feature xml files?
> Thanks.

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