Platform: Windows 7, Intel i7
          Java SDK 1.8 update 112
          Karaf 4.0.7
          PostgreSQL JDBC driver 9.4.1211.jre7

Karaf has been working fine for me for weeks, but yesterday it started
acting up.

Yesterday I got a problem trying to install this feature:
    <feature name="ukelonn-db-postgresql" description="A karaf feature for the 
PostgreSQL database for the ukelonn webapp" version="1.0.0.SNAPSHOT">
        <feature version="1.0.0.SNAPSHOT" prerequisite="false" 

The feature has been working for weeks, but yesterday I started getting
the following message:
karaf@root()> feature:repo-add 
Adding feature url 
 karaf@root()> feature:install pax-jdbc
 karaf@root()> feature:install ukelonn-db-postgresql
 Error executing command: Unable to resolve root: missing requirement [root] 
osgi.identity; osgi.identity=ukelonn-db-postgresql; type=karaf.feature; 
 [causedby: Unable to resolve ukelonn-db-postgresql/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT: missing 
requirement [ukelonn-db-postgresql/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.identity; 
osgi.identity=org.postgresql.jdbc41; type=osgi.bundle; 
version="[9.4.1211.jre7,9.4.1211.jre7]"; resolution:=mandatory [caused by: 
Unable to resolve org.postgresql.jdbc41/9.4.1211.jre7: missing requirement 
[org.postgresql.jdbc41/9.4.1211.jre7] osgi.wiring.package; 

As far as I can tell javax.transaction.xa is part of the Java runtime,
so there shouldn't be a missing bundle involved.

So far I have tried the following things:
 - Stopping karaf, delete the data directory of karaf, and restart karaf
 - Stopping karaf, delete the entire karaf directory, unzip a new karaf
   and start it
 - Installing a new Java 1.8 update 112 JDK, instead of the JRE 1.8
   update 111 that was found by "java -version"

But none of these things have helped, the error occurs every time I'm
trying to install the PostgreSQL driver.

I tried running karaf on an i5 with debian jessie, and Java SDK 1.8
(OpenJava), on that setup the ukelonn-db-postgresql feature installed
without complaint.

Does anyone on the list have any idea why karaf has suddenly startet
failing in this manner?


- Steinar

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