I have investigated reworking the blueprint core extender on top of DS
months ago, but I did not pursue.  The Felix SCR core is now more reusable
(I made it that way in order to reuse it in pax-cdi), so maybe I could have
another quick look about the feasibility. But I am pessimistic as IIRC, the
problems were more about some requirements in the blueprint spec which
could not be mapped correctly to DS.

2017-01-16 15:44 GMT+01:00 Brad Johnson <bradj...@redhat.com>:

> I wonder if there’s a way to start the implementation of a CDI common
> practice with DS where possible but blueprint where not and then migrate
> toward DS.
> From my point of view when mentoring new developer’s there are going to be
> two general use cases for CDI, one is just for internal wiring inside a
> bundle and dependency injection with internals.  Among other things it
> makes testing a heck of a lot easier.
> The other use case is an easy way to export services and get references to
> them. I’m not sure how well DS and blueprint play together.
> It is also one of the reasons I’ve migrated away from using blueprint XML
> for routes to the Java DSL.  Consistent and easy for Java developers to
> understand.  Because I’ve used blueprint so much I have a limited
> understanding of CDI but from what I’ve seen of it, it is a very sane way
> of handling wire up.
> So the question I guess is how hard is it to create a migration plan to
> move pieces from blueprint to DS under the covers? Does using the Camel
> Java DSL make that easier?
> I don’t see a problem for a “next generation” of the stack to say that the
> XML variant is no longer being supported and recommend migration to the
> Java DSL with CDI.  That isn’t difficult in any case. But from the
> framework perspective it may eliminate one level of indirection that
> requires XML parsing, schema namespaces and the mapping of those through a
> plugin into the constituent parts.
> Would adopting such an approach make conversion away from blueprint
> easier? Would it make a migration path easier?
> Brad
> *From:* Christian Schneider [mailto:cschneider...@gmail.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Christian Schneider
> *Sent:* Monday, January 16, 2017 4:37 AM
> *To:* user@karaf.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: karaf boot
> I generally like the idea of having one standard way to do dependency
> injection in OSGi. Unfortunately until now we do not have a single
> framework that most people are happy with.
> I pushed a lot to make blueprint easier by using the CDI and JEE
> annotations and create blueprint from it using the aries blueprint maven
> plugin. This allows a CDI style development and works very well already.
> Recently Dominik extended my approach a lot and covered much of the CDI
> functionality. Currently this might be the best approach when your
> developers are experienced in JEE. Unfortunately blueprint has some bad
> behaviours like the blocking proxies when a mandatory service goes away.
> Blueprint is also quite complex internally and there is not standardized
> API for extension namespaces.
> CDI would be great but it is is less well supported on OSGi than blueprint
> and the current implementations also have the same bad proxy behaviour. So
> while I would like to see a really good CDI implementation on OSGi with
> dynamic behaviour like DS we are not there yet.
> DS is a little limited with its lack of extensibility but it works by far
> best of all frameworks in OSGi. The way it creates and destroy components
> when mandatory references come and go makes it so easy to implement code
> that works well in the dynamic OSGi environment. It also nicely supports
> configs even when using the config factories where you can have one
> instance of your component per config instance.
> So for the moment I would rather use DS as a default dependency injection
> for karaf boot. It is also the smallest footprint. When CDI is ready we
> could switch to CDI.
> Christian
> On 11.01.2017 22:03, Brad Johnson wrote:
> I definitely like the direction of the Karaf Boot with the CDI, blueprint,
> DS, etc. starters.  Now if we could integrate that with the Karaf profiles
> and have standardized Karaf Boot containers to configure like tinkertoys
> we’d be there.  I may work on some of that. I believe the synergy between
> Karaf Boot and the profiles could be outstanding. It would make any
> development easier by using all the standard OSGi libraries and mak
> microservices a snap.
> If we have a workable CDI version of service/reference annotation then I’m
> not sure why I’d use DS. It may be that the external configuration of DS is
> more fleshed out but CDI has so much by way of easy injection that it makes
> coding and especially testing a lot easier.  I guess the CDI OSGi services
> could leverage much of DS.  Dunno.
> In any case, I think that’s on the right track.
> *From:* Christian Schneider [mailto:cschneider...@gmail.com
> <cschneider...@gmail.com>] *On Behalf Of *Christian Schneider
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 11, 2017 8:52 AM
> *To:* user@karaf.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: karaf boot
> Sounds like you have a good case to validate karaf boot on.
> Can you explain how you create your deployments now and what you are
> missing in current karaf? Until now we only discussed internally about the
> scope and requirements of karaf boot. It would be very valuable to get some
> input from a real world case.
> Christian
> On 11.01.2017 13:41, Nick Baker wrote:
> We'd be interested in this as well. Beginning to move toward Microservices
> deployments + Remote Services for interop. I'll have a look at your branch
> JB!
> We've added support in our Karaf main for multiple instances from the same
> install on disk. Cache directories segmented, port conflicts handled. This
> of course isn't an issue in container-based cloud deployments (Docker).
> Still, may be of use.
> -Nick Baker
> --
> Christian Schneider
> http://www.liquid-reality.de
> Open Source Architect
> http://www.talend.com
> --
> Christian Schneider
> http://www.liquid-reality.de
> Open Source Architect
> http://www.talend.com

Guillaume Nodet
Red Hat, Open Source Integration

Email: gno...@redhat.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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