
I've come across a situation where the Gogo console ends up being
accessible at a URL that is unsecured.  This is of course not a good thing

When I install a base Karaf 4.0.8 (and 3.0.8 too it appears) and install
the webconsole feature, I'm able to go to
http://localhost:8181/system/console and it requires authentication, and I
can navigate to the Gogo console (http://localhost:8181/system/console/gogo)
and everything works fine.  If I try to go to the Gogo console URL directly
in a new browser session, it also requires authentication.  All is good.

But if I install the pax-war feature, problems arise.  All of the above
works fine, but the Gogo console is now available at
http://localhost:8181/gogo/ and worse, it doesn't require authentication.
Prior to installing pax-war, hitting that address would yield a 404.

It appears what is happening is that the Gogo console plugin registers its
servlet in the service registry with an alias property set to "/gogo" and
the Pax Web Extender Whiteboard sees this and publishes the servlet at an
endpoint using that alias, and does so unsecured.

I'm not sure if the issue is the Gogo plugin registering itself with an
alias so the extender whiteboard sees it and publishes it, or if the
extender whiteboard is supposed to be smart enough to not publish the new
endpoint, or at least it should do it secured.  But it is probably pretty
common to have a Karaf install with webconsole and pax-war features
installed, and if so, this security hole is there to be exploited.

The workaround we are doing for now is to stop the Gogo plugin bundle as we
don't really need to use it, but I wonder if other endpoints are getting
automatically published through this mechanism that might also be a

What is the correct fix for this?



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