Can you run the installation using:
  feature:install --simulate --verbose gemini-blueprint
This should give more information about the exact reason why the bundles
are refreshed.

2017-03-12 21:12 GMT+01:00 Ygor Castor <>:

>  Since Spring DM is long dead and it's quite a buggy way to wire spring on
> a OSGi context i've decided to give Gemini a chance, since it's actively
> developed, first of all i've updated the feature to:
> And it seems to work ok, but with one problem, when i install any feature
> the whole container goes awry, refreshing even core bundles, here is the
> log:
> I've had the same problem before with Fragment bundles, i've created a
> Liquibase Extension fragment, and everytime that fragment got refreshed the
> whole container became a mess.
> Right now, to "solve" the problem i'm using a feature:install/uninstall -r
> , which disables feature bundles auto-refresh, and refreshing manualy using
> bundle:refresh, doing that there is no problem, and i'm able to use gemini
> and the fragments.
> I'm not sure this is a normal behavior, can anyone confirm?

Guillaume Nodet

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