Hi Stephen,

I played around with KAR’s for quite a while with similar issues. I ended up 
ditching them in favour of the karaf feature deployment. This is far simpler 
and cleaner than kar. It does require that you have your dependencies / bundles 
available in an accessible maven repo from your deployment environment or in 
the karaf system folder using the maven layout.

Re your assumption around prod like deployments, I would agree that is a 
correct assumption. However, if you can’t get the kar working try the route 
above, it’s what I ended up having to do.


From: Stephen Munro [mailto:stephen.ross.mu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, 7 October 2017 5:36 AM
To: user@karaf.apache.org
Subject: Fwd: KAR deployment

I'm having a small problem constructing a KAR file. Basically, I have a pom 
with the type set to KAR. The maven plugin generates a KAR file, which contains 
some of the libraries, specifically my OSGI bundles and their dependencies.
The problem is that the requirements specified in the feature file i.e 
<feature>cxf-jaxrs</feature> are not pulled into the KAR file.
I assumed that the KAR file was meant to be a self contained deployment 
artifact with no requirement to fetch additional dependencies, thus making it 
suitable for production environments where network access is restricted. Is 
this assumption incorrect.
As a side note, I attempted to use the karaf assembly task. I've found the 
documentation on this goal to be extremely scarce and I've not managed to find 
any examples which use this particular goal. When attempting to learn/use it, I 
was hit with many null pointer exceptions, leading me to believe that the 
assembly goal is buggy. Can someone confirm the status of this and/or 
demonstrate a working example?

Warmest Regards,

Stephen Munro

Warmest Regards,

Stephen Munro

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