The noAutoRefreshBundles should work "on the fly", the restart will perform a refresh as it's a new wiring.

Can you do the feature:install -t -v on a freshly installed Karaf (as it needs to call with an "empty" features set) ?

A kar is basically a zip file containing a features XML. So instead of using the deploy folder, you can register the features XML using feature:repo-add and then install the features.


On 10/19/2017 02:26 PM, Arnaud Geslin wrote:
Hi Jean-Baptiste,

Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunatly, theses options don't give more info :

/karaf@trun()> feature:uninstall R_FRONTAL_HTTP-feature
karaf@trun()> feature:install -t -v R_FRONTAL_HTTP-feature
Adding features: R_FRONTAL_HTTP-feature/[0.2.0,0.2.0]
/> You can disable the auto-refresh (on kar or feature) to avoid this. /

Could you please tell me how to do that ?
From now, the only way we know to deploy things is to drop the kar file in the deploy directory, as seen in the Talend docs and trainings. It deploys into data dir then installs both the feature and its bundles.

I don't know how to install a new feature from a kar file if it has never been installed before. And the -r option for command-line installs only exists for features and not for bundles.

NB : we also tried "noAutoRefreshBundles=true" in etc/org.apache.karaf.kar.cfg and after restarting Karaf it did not avoid bundles refresh

Best regards

Le jeudi 19 octobre 2017 à 11:13:34 UTC+2, Arnaud Geslin <> a écrit :


We build kar files with Talend studio (some Camel routes) that are completly independent. When deploying thoses files by copy in container/deploy of by "bundle:install file://..." in the console, it sometimes refreshes all the other bundles already installed and active. ("stopping","resolved" then "active" again). This is a bit ennoying on a production system.

I've searched in the ML archive but did not find any discussion about precisely the same issue

The log says :

/Changes to perform:
    Region: root
      Bundles to install:
  Installing bundles:
  Stopping bundles:
  Refreshing bundles:
     activemq-karaf/5.14.1 (*Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.14.1 which is being refreshed)*      gfc.R7_PU017B_BP_FROMKHEOPSTOSAP/0.1.0 (*Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.14.1 which is being refreshed*)      gfc.R_BROKER_BUS/0.1.0 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.14.1 which is being refreshed)      gfc.R_BROKER_KHEOPS/0.1.0 (Wired to org.apache.activemq.activemq-osgi/5.14.1 which is being refreshed)/

That's right all thoses bundles use activemq, but this feature is already installed and I don't understand why it should be refreshed when installing a new bundle, and then all the bundles wired to it.
Same issue for bundles that use Apache cxf.

I tried this workaround :
/[root@kardev01 container]# cat etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg
     (instance, \
     activemq-client, \
     activemq-camel, \
     activemq, \
     package, \/

and also added in :
/mvn\:joda-time/joda-time/2.9.2 = 50/

but it had no effect.

I also tried an other workaround, unzipping the kar file, to remove in the feature-xx.xml file the dependencies to activemq (/<feature>activemq</feature>/ and /<feature>activemq-camel</feature>/) then zip again the kar, and deploy it again but the bundles are still refreshed.

I guess we don't really need to refresh the activemq or cxf features, how could we avoid this ?

Thank you

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

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