On 30/11/17 17:00, Steinar Bang wrote:
Kerry <karaf-u...@avionicengineers.com>:
Yes that is what I meant, I have to use a template to create a
features.xml. I've looked at the code for GenerateDescriptorMojo and
searched the Karaf source for an example of what I need but couldn't
find anything.
I've created a feature request for this: 

Using the template technique I've also discovered that when I deployed
my feature it can fail. For example if I have 3 of my bundles A, B and
C in the feature such that:
  B depends on a service from C and A depends on B
deployment can fail due to a required service from C not being
available 'in-time' for B - I think that's what happening. If I deploy
the bundles individually everything works. I'll try playing around
with it but this is obviously nothing to do with the
Hm... B should be robust enough to handle services arriving at any time
and in any order.

But if bundle B is outside of your control, then maybe you could force
the correct load order in some way...?  Maybe a hiearchy of feature
dependencies would do the trick?

Ie. make a feature for C that loads C.  Then make a feature for B that
loads bundle B and requires feature C.  Then make a feature for A that
loads bundle A and requires feature B.

Then make your feature be dependent on feature A.

Something like that...?

Hi Steinar,

Sorry taken me a while to get back to you.

1. thanks for raising up the JIRA ticket I also would like to keep my features 
specification within the POM if possible.

2. Regarding the resolving of bundles in a feature, I don't believe that it's 
because the bundles are not robust, it's more like the feature deployer within 
Karaf isn't flexible enough to allow services to become available that are 
provided within the same feature. I have created an example here : 

If I try to deploy this feature I get the deployment error:
resolution:=mandatory [caused by: Unable to resolve 
com.javatechnics.jpa.simple/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT: missing requirement 
[com.javatechnics.jpa.simple/1.0.0.SNAPSHOT] osgi.service; 

Remove the last bundle from the features.xml ('simple'), deploy the feature and 
THEN install the 'simple' bundle manually it all works fine. Unless I am 
configuring my feature incorrectly there doesn't seem to be a way of including 
DAO/persistence unit bundle AND the datasource bundle within the same feature.


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