
We can't see your first error, can you repaste it ?


Le 26 janv. 2018 12:19 PM, GFO <guillaume.forg...@soprasteria.com> a écrit :
> I am facing a problem with one of my OSGi bundles. 
> When I start it, I have the following error : 
> It is not blocking for starting my bundle, it is "Active". But when I try to 
> execute a SQL command through my Java code, it only works with native 
> queries. When I try to execute HQL queries/named queries, I always have 
> errors such as 
>     ClassCastException: com.example.MyBean cannot be cast to 
> com.example.MyBean 
> I guess it is linked to the first error. What do you think about that? Do 
> you know how to prevent the first error? 
> Additional information: 
> - I have a bundle bundleA which contains persistence configuration, beans 
> (like MyBean), managers, etc. I also have bundleB which uses a service 
> exposed by bundleA. So the error appears when I call bundleA service through 
> bundleB. Alongside bundleA and bundleB, I have hibernate-osgi, 
> hibernate-entitymanager, hibernate-core and hibernate-commons-annotations 
> bundles in version 4.3.6.Final. 
> - Only bundleA contains MyBean class. BundleB has "Import-Package: 
> com.example" and "Import-Service: com.example.service" which is a service to 
> interact with managers contained in bundleA. When I show classes in bundleA 
> and bundleB with "bundle:classes" Karaf command, I find MyBean in both 
> bundles 
> - when I look at classes in my jars, I only find MyBean in bundleA. Not in 
> bundleB. Maybe "bundle:classes" shows classes in the bundle's jar and 
> classes imported by the bundle? 
> Do not hesitate if you need more information. 
> Thanks a lot 
> -- 
> Sent from: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Karaf-User-f930749.html 

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