Thank you Tim, I appreciate the help.
Yes, an EntityManagerFactoryBuilder is registered as a service by my bundle:

karaf@root()> service:list org.osgi.service.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryBuilder
-------------------------------------------------- = responderPersistenUnit
 osgi.unit.provider = org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl
 osgi.unit.version = 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
 service.bundleid = 138 = 198
 service.scope = singleton

DataSource is also registered:

karaf@root()> service:list javax.sql.DataSource
 dataSourceName = responder
 felix.fileinstall.filename = file:xxxxx/org.ops4j.datasource-responder.cfg = mariadb = responder

karaf@root()> ds-list 
Name      │ Product │ Version         │ URL                                     
                                                    │ Status
responder │ MySQL   │ 10.2.13-MariaDB │ 
 │ OK

Jndi shows:

karaf@root()> jndi:names 
JNDI Name              │ Class Name
osgi:service/responder │ org.mariadb.jdbc.MySQLDataSource
osgi:service/jndi      │ org.apache.karaf.jndi.internal.JndiServiceImpl

My Persistence Unit is defined as:

        <persistence-unit name="responderPersistenUnit" transaction-type="JTA">
                        <property name="openjpa.Log" value="DefaultLevel=DEBUG, 
Tool=INFO" />

I am thinking if the “jta-data-source” property is wrong?

Best regards,
Alex soto

> On May 11, 2018, at 3:48 PM, Tim Ward <> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> So the logs you’ve sent indicate that your persistence bundle is being found, 
> and that it’s being matched with OpenJPA. These are both good things. 
> The next step in the process is to locate and set up the connections to the 
> database. Depending on how you’re setting up your persistence.xml this can 
> happen automatically, but more normally it requires configuration and/or use 
> of the EntityManagerFactoryBuilder service. 
> Things to check are that:
> • you do see and EntityManagerFactoryBuilder service
> • you’re deploying a valid database driver supporting the JDBC service
> • your database url and driver class match the driver you’re deploying 
> • you’re using the correct pid/
> I hope this helps.
> Tim
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 11 May 2018, at 19:58, Alex Soto < 
> <>> wrote:
>> What is strange is that (based on the logs) it seems as if the persistence 
>> unit is being discovered: 
>> 14:50:44.050 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Found persistence unit 
>> responderPersistenUnit in bundle 
>> org.enquery.encryptedquery.responder-data-jpa-entity-manager with provider 
>> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl.
>> 14:50:44.052 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Found provider for 
>> responderPersistenUnit org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl
>> 14:50:44.142 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Adding transformer 
>> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl$ClassTransformerImpl
>> But the  javax.persistence.EntityManager service is not being registered, 
>> and there is no errors.
>>> On May 11, 2018, at 2:19 PM, Alex Soto < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Ok, I made some progress (I guess) I am no longer getting the original 
>>> error:  java.lang.ClassCastException: 
>>> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl cannot be cast to 
>>> javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
>>> I added my own version of the jpa feature, in which I substitute the line
>>>         <bundle 
>>> dependency="true">mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/javax.persistence/2.1.0</bundle>
>>> With:
>>>         <bundle 
>>> dependency="true">mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec/1.1.1</bundle>
>>> Which results in:
>>>     <feature name="aries-jpa2”>
>>>          <capability>
>>> osgi.service;effective:=active;objectClass=javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
>>>         </capability>
>>>             <bundle 
>>> dependency="true">mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1</bundle>
>>>         <bundle 
>>> dependency="true">mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec/1.1.1</bundle>
>>>         <bundle 
>>> dependency="true">mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.service.jdbc/1.0.0</bundle>
>>>         <bundle dependency="true" 
>>> start-level="30">mvn:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.coordinator/1.0.2</bundle>
>>>         <bundle 
>>> start-level="30">mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.api/${aries.jpa.version}</bundle>
>>>         <bundle 
>>> start-level="30">mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container/${aries.jpa.version}</bundle>
>>>         <bundle 
>>> start-level="30">mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/${aries.jpa.version}</bundle>
>>>         <conditional>
>>>             <condition>aries-blueprint</condition>
>>>             <bundle 
>>> start-level="30">mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.blueprint/${aries.jpa.version}</bundle>
>>>         </conditional>
>>>     </feature>
>>> Now, in my own feature, I have:
>>>     <feature>aries-blueprint</feature>
>>>     <feature>jndi</feature>
>>>     <feature>jdbc</feature>
>>>     <feature>transaction</feature>
>>>     <feature>aries-jpa2</feature>
>>>     <feature>openjpa</feature>
>>>     <feature>pax-jdbc-mariadb</feature>
>>>         <feature>pax-jdbc-config</feature>
>>> Among others.  Now my bundle fails to start:
>>> Status: GracePeriod
>>> Declarative Services
>>> Blueprint
>>> 5/11/18 2:14 PM
>>> Missing dependencies: 
>>> (&(
>>> There are no errors in the log, just this unresolved dependency.
>>> Any idea about why my persistent unit is not being registered?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alex soto
>>>> On May 11, 2018, at 11:09 AM, Tim Ward < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> On 11 May 2018, at 15:53, Alex Soto < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the help Tim.
>>>>>> On May 11, 2018, at 10:24 AM, Tim Ward < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Aries JPA can work with either JPA 2.0, or JPA 2.1, and is tested with 
>>>>>> EclipseLink, Hibernate and OpenJPA. 
>>>>> I am looking at these integration tests, but the test itself does not 
>>>>> uses the feature, as defined in the feature.xml file.  It loads a 
>>>>> different version of javax.persistence for the OpenJPA integration test. 
>>>>> So unless you are an AriesJPA developer, you would not know about this.  
>>>>> How would anybody figure this out? 
>>>>> @Configuration
>>>>>     public Option[] configuration() {
>>>>>         return new Option[] {
>>>>>             baseOptions(), //
>>>>>             ariesJpa20(), //
>>>>>             jta11Bundles(), // Openjpa currently does not work with jta 
>>>>> 1.2. See 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>             openJpa(), //
>>>>>             derbyDSF(), //
>>>>>             testBundle()
>>>>>         };
>>>>> Then the example does not use OpenJPA, but Hibernate, so there is no 
>>>>> information on how to make it work with OpenJPA out of the box.  
>>>>> One option here would be to have multiple specific features: 
>>>>> jpa-hibernate, jpa-openjpa, etc.
>>>> Yes, that’s pretty much what is needed, but Karaf would be the place to 
>>>> create and maintain those features.
>>>>>> It is highly recommended that you use the JavaJPA contract in any of 
>>>>>> your bundles using JPA so that you are isolated from the API version 
>>>>>> number changes in the future (most Java EE specifications make major 
>>>>>> version bumps quite regularly).
>>>>> I have this in my bundle’s osgi.bnd file:
>>>>>   -contract: JavaJPA
>>>>> Is that all that is needed?  It does not indicate version.
>>>> That is most of what is needed - you also need to be compiling against a 
>>>> library which offers the contract (for example the spec bundles provided 
>>>> by Aries). If you do that you will end up with Import-Package statements 
>>>> for javax.persistence (et al) with no version, but also a 
>>>> Require-Capability: 
>>>> osgi.contract;filter:=(&(osgi.contract=JavaJPA)(version=XXX)) where the 
>>>> XXX is determined from the Provide-Capability of the bundle you compiled 
>>>> against.
>>>>>> The real problem is that the AriesJPA feature shouldn’t exist as a 
>>>>>> standalone thing (it doesn’t make sense to deploy it on its own). It 
>>>>>> should come for free when you install the OpenJPA (or Hibernate, or 
>>>>>> EclipseLink) feature, using whichever API they have deployed.
>>>>> Exactly, this is harder than it should be.  When I install a feature, I 
>>>>> expect the feature to bring in all that is needed, not having to chase 
>>>>> down all these dependencies.
>>>>> Is there an intention to take this approach any time soon?
>>>> I’m afraid that would be a decision for the Karaf maintainers rather than 
>>>> me. I’m only chipping in because I’m an Aries PMC member who deals quite a 
>>>> bit with the JPA and Tx Control components.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Tim Ward
>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>> On 11 May 2018, at 14:23, Alex Soto < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I had accidentally replied directly to Tim.  Repeating here:
>>>>>>> Let me see if I understand this correctly:
>>>>>>> Karaf version 4.2.0 enterprise repository depends on version 2.6.1 of 
>>>>>>> AriesJPA.
>>>>>>> AriesJPA version 2.6.1 depends on  javax.persistence version 2.1.0.
>>>>>>> Karaf’s enterprise repository defines a openjpa feature that depends on 
>>>>>>> OpenJPA version 2.4.2.
>>>>>>> OpenJPA version 2.4.2 depends on javax.persistence version 2.0.0.
>>>>>>> Is this correct?
>>>>>>> Is there is a bug in the Enterprise repository mixing incompatible 
>>>>>>> versions of OpenJPA and AriesJPA?
>>>>>>> Is the problem in OpenJPA not declaring the version it depends on?
>>>>>>> Inspecting in Karaf’s console:
>>>>>>> karaf@root()> list
>>>>>>>  97 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.4.2               │ OpenJPA Aggregate Ja
>>>>>>> karaf@root()> bundle:requirements 97
>>>>>>> osgi.wiring.package; 
>>>>>>> (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.persistence)(version>=1.1.0)(!(version>=2.1.0)))
>>>>>>>  resolved by:
>>>>>>>    osgi.wiring.package; javax.persistence 2.0.0 from 
>>>>>>> org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec [66]
>>>>>>> karaf@root()> feature:info jpa
>>>>>>> Feature jpa 2.6.1
>>>>>>> Description:
>>>>>>>   OSGi Persistence Container
>>>>>>> Details:
>>>>>>>   JPA implementation provided by Apache Aries JPA 2.x. NB: this feature 
>>>>>>> doesn't provide the JPA engine, you have to install one by yourself 
>>>>>>> (OpenJPA for instance)
>>>>>>> Feature has no configuration
>>>>>>> Feature has no configuration files
>>>>>>> Feature has no dependencies.
>>>>>>> Feature contains followed bundles:
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.eclipse.persistence/javax.persistence/2.1.0
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec/1.1.1
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.service.jdbc/1.0.0
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.coordinator/1.0.2 start-level=30
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.api/2.6.1 start-level=30
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/org.apache.aries.jpa.container/2.6.1 
>>>>>>> start-level=30
>>>>>>>   mvn:org.apache.aries.jpa/ 
>>>>>>> start-level=30
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Alex soto
>>>>>>>> On May 10, 2018, at 5:45 PM, Tim Ward < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> OpenJPA 2.4.x supports JPA 2.0 (not 2.1) you can get the API you need 
>>>>>>>> from Apache Aries, as well as the JPA container. This is also all used 
>>>>>>>> and tested with Aries Transaction Control, so you can look at the 
>>>>>>>> bundles used there.
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>> On 10 May 2018, at 20:43, Jean-Baptiste Onofré < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Anyway, let me check if OpenJPA 2.4.2 supports JPA 2.1 (it's what I 
>>>>>>>>> thought).
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> JB
>>>>>>>>>> On 05/10/2018 09:36 PM, Alex Soto wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I am sorry I only see one version:
>>>>>>>>>> karaf@root()> feature:list | grep jpa
>>>>>>>>>> openjpa                                  │ 2.4.2            │        
>>>>>>>>>>   │
>>>>>>>>>> Started     │ enterprise-4.2.0                  │ Apache OpenJPA 
>>>>>>>>>> 2.4.x
>>>>>>>>>> persistence engine support
>>>>>>>>>> camel-jpa                                │ 2.21.1           │       
>>>>>>>>>>  │ Uninstalled │ camel-2.21.1                      │
>>>>>>>>>> deltaspike-jpa                           │ 1.4.2            │       
>>>>>>>>>>  │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.cdi-1.0.0.RC2       │ Apache 
>>>>>>>>>> Deltaspike jpa support
>>>>>>>>>> deltaspike-jpa                           │ 1.8.1            │       
>>>>>>>>>>  │ Uninstalled │ org.ops4j.pax.cdi-1.0.0           │ Apache 
>>>>>>>>>> Deltaspike jpa support
>>>>>>>>>> jpa                                      │ 2.6.1            │        
>>>>>>>>>>   │
>>>>>>>>>> Started     │ aries-jpa-2.6.1                   │ OSGi Persistence 
>>>>>>>>>> Container
>>>>>>>>>> Is there a repository I need to add?  
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Alex soto
>>>>>>>>>>> On May 10, 2018, at 3:25 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 
>>>>>>>>>>> < <>
>>>>>>>>>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Karaf provides both jpa 1.x and  2.x feature.
>>>>>>>>>>> You just have to  install the right one depending of the engine you 
>>>>>>>>>>> are using:
>>>>>>>>>>> feature:install jpa/1.x
>>>>>>>>>>> feature:install  openjpa
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> JB
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/10/2018 09:23 PM, Alex Soto wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks JB,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I was hoping to use whatever was defined in the Karaf’s enterprise 
>>>>>>>>>>>> feature,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but if that doesn’t work ,then which version do I need?  I am 
>>>>>>>>>>>> afraid if I
>>>>>>>>>>>> deviate from the versions selected by Kara’s Enterprise feature I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> will get
>>>>>>>>>>>> into more version mismatch problems.   Also what do I put in my 
>>>>>>>>>>>> POM for
>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence dependency?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex soto
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 10, 2018, at 3:16 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> < <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenJPA 2.x still uses JPA 1.x. By default, jpa feature will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide 2.x
>>>>>>>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should specify the jpa feature version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> JB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 05/10/2018 09:08 PM, Alex Soto wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am running Karaf 4.2.0, trying to setup a project with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenJPA.  I am getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14:44:07.799 ERROR [FelixDispatchQueue] FrameworkEvent ERROR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - org.apache.aries.jpa.container
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.ClassCastException:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be cast to javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jpa.container.impl.PersistenceProviderTracker.addingService(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jpa.container.impl.PersistenceProviderTracker.addingService(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.AbstractTracked.trackAdding(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.AbstractTracked.trackInitial(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jpa.container.impl.PersistenceBundleTracker.trackProvider(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jpa.container.impl.PersistenceBundleTracker.findPersistenceUnits(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jpa.container.impl.PersistenceBundleTracker.addingBundle(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jpa.container.impl.PersistenceBundleTracker.addingBundle(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.customizerAdding(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.AbstractTracked.trackAdding(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.AbstractTracked.track(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.osgi.util.tracker.BundleTracker$Tracked.bundleChanged(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.EventDispatcher.invokeBundleListenerCallback(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.EventDispatcher.fireEventImmediately(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.EventDispatcher.fireBundleEvent(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.fireBundleEvent(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle( 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~[?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at [?:?]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This looks like version mismatch.  I am loading the following 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> packages in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>aries-blueprint</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>war</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>camel-core</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>camel-servlet</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>camel-blueprint</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>camel-jackson</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>jndi</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>jdbc</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>transaction</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>jpa</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>openjpa</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <feature>pax-jdbc-mariadb</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       <feature>pax-jdbc-config</feature>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One thing I don’t know if is correct is the javax.persistence 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dependency in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my POM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <dependency>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <groupId>org.eclipse.persistence</groupId>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <artifactId>javax.persistence</artifactId>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <version>2.0.5</version>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <scope>provided</scope>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       </dependency>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any hints?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex soto
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> < <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Talend - <>
>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>>>>>>>> <> 
>>>>>>>>>>> < <>>
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Talend - <>
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> Talend - <>

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