Hi there,

being new to OSGi, I have difficulties getting demos/examples/tutorials to
run (esp. with JPA) with Apache Karaf 4.2.

I tried all these resources:
* Apache Aries 2.7 JPA examples:
https://github.com/apache/aries-jpa/tree/master/examples (also user
documentation is not accurate for the current Karaf versions) 
* Tutorials at http://karaf.apache.org/documentation.html#tutorials, which
don't work as liquid-reality.de has not been available for weeks now (I
found some of them here, but still they don't work:
* Apache Aries 2.7: The Blog Example:
* Hibernate Demos:
(also reflecting the outdated user documentation)
* also the Entwicklerpress 143 book "OSGi Entwicklung" and Enterprise OSGi
in Action

All without success, the sample are really dated and there is a lot more to
do than just simple changes - this is difficult for someone coming new to
this topic. 
I'd certainly volunteer for helping with this, but as there is no starting
point currently, this is complicated.

So my question is: are there any plans to create a new, sound
description/documentation/tutorial/example for JPA/Hibernate on Apache Karaf
4.x? Or isn't this supposed to work anymore as there are better practices
for persistence in OSGi?

Thanks & Best


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