Mmm weird, because I used "extend" and it appended in the end of the
property file.

Can you try ?

François Papon
Open3m -

Le 08/06/2018 à 19:54, Alex Soto a écrit :
> Hi François, JB mentioned “append” but I do not see any “append” in
> your example.
> As I indicated in my original post, I am using
> <opertation>put</operation> but all other properties in the file are
> being removed.
> Best regards,
> Alex soto
>> On Jun 8, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Francois Papon
>> < <>>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Here an example :
>> <property-edits
>> xmlns="";>
>>          <edits>
>>           <edit>
>>             <file></file>
>>             <operation>put</operation>
>>             <key>karaf.framework</key>
>>             <value>equinox</value>
>>           </edit>
>>           <edit>
>>             <file></file>
>>             <operation>extend</operation>
>>             <key>org.osgi.framework.system.capabilities</key>
>>             <value>my-magic-capability</value>
>>           </edit>
>>           <edit>
>>             <file></file>
>>             <operation prepend='true'>extend</operation>
>>             <key>some-other-list</key>
>>             <value>my-value-goes-first</value>
>>             </edit>
>>          </edits>
>>       </property-edits>
>> François Papon
>> Open3m -
>> Le 08/06/2018 à 19:29, Alex Soto a écrit :
>>> Append?  No, I've never seen this documented anywhere, can you point
>>> me to a documentation resource where this is mentioned/illustrated?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alex soto
>>>> On Jun 8, 2018, at 8:52 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Did you set append on the edit ?
>>>> Regards
>>>> JB
>>>> On 07/06/2018 21:47, Alex Soto wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Using Karaf 4.2.0, I want to update a property in my custom
>>>>> distribution. So I add
>>>>> file /src/main/karaf/assembly-property-edits.xml/
>>>>> with: 
>>>>>    <edit>
>>>>>        <file>org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg</file>
>>>>>        <operation>put</operation>
>>>>>        <key>org.osgi.service.http.port</key>
>>>>>        <value>8182</value>
>>>>>    </edit>
>>>>> The result is:
>>>>>    #Modified by
>>>>>    #Thu Jun 07 15:39:28 EDT 2018
>>>>>    org.osgi.service.http.port=8182
>>>>> The issue is that it erased all other properties.  Normally, this file
>>>>> has the following:
>>>>>    org.osgi.service.http.port=8181
>>>>>    javax.servlet.context.tempdir=${}/pax-web-jsp
>>>>>    org.ops4j.pax.web.config.file=${karaf.etc}/jetty.xml
>>>>> Is this the expected behavior?   How can I preserve the rest of the
>>>>> properties and modify just one?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Alex soto
>>>> -- 
>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>> <>
>>>> Talend -

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