I am doing integration test but getting error in which i can't cast to
implemented interface

IPOJO Component:
@Component(immediate = true)
    public class MyComponent implements MyService
        public boolean islock()
            return true;

Following is test class extending KarafTestSupport

    public void serviceCreationIsWorking() throws Exception

        MyService serviceObject = getOsgiService(MyService.class, 30000l);
        System.out.println("getOsgiService=" + serviceObject);
        System.out.println("getOsgiService method=" +
        assertConditions(5000, "No deadlock detected!", () ->
serviceObject.islock() == true);

But on following line it throws error 

    java.lang.ClassCastException: com.my.osgi.MyComponent cannot be cast to

MyService serviceObject = getOsgiService(MyService.class, 30000l);

I googled and i found that

/This can happen if two different classloaders load a class named

These two classes are then treated as entirely different classes, even if
they have the same package and name (and even

A common cause for this is if you use some kind of plugin system and both
your base classes and the plugin classes provide the same class./

Any suggestion to resolve class loader issue??

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