You can use few commands - I usually start with `la -l|grep async` which
allows to list bundle locations - quite often you can find interesting
part in maven coordinates.
Second option is `package:exports|grep async` which will show bundles
exporting packages with async fragment. Then, based on output you can
check who imports that to see if there are any consumers and possibly
service providers relying on it.
Last option is service list (`ls`) - but in such case you rather need to
know what kind of service you looking for.


On 9/3/18 3:57 PM, Thiago Moreira (timba) wrote:
>   Hi all, rookie question :D
>   I'm starting to play with Async
> <> 
> interface/service
> but I'm having hard time to find the bundle that implements the service.
> I found that these
> jars
> contains the interface and this implements it org.apache.aries.async
> <>
>  but
> how to do it from the Karaf's console? I mean, there is a bunch of
> features there to be installed but which one will provided the
> implementation for my interface/service?
>   Thanks
> Thiago Moreira
> +55 48 99911-6331

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