
Which version of Karaf are you using ?

Can you paste "list" command ?


François Papon

Le 24/10/2018 à 21:37, bohnjerry a écrit :
> I am trying to install a maven Camel project and I get this error:
> Unable to resolve org.apache.commons.commons-dbcp2 [79](R 79.0): missing
> requirement [org.apache.commons.commons-dbcp2 [79](R 79.0)]
> osgi.wiring.package;
> (&(osgi.wiring.package=javax.transaction.xa)(version>=1.1.0)(partial=true))]
> Unresolved requirements:
> I've tried to install every package and feature even remotely related (that
> I could find).. still no dice. 
> Ideas?
> --
> Sent from: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Karaf-User-f930749.html

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