Both have happened to me.  I develop on windows.  All I have to do is open
a config file while karaf is running, modify it save it and then my text
editor will tell me the file was modified on disk and ask if I want to
reload it. This happens every time.  I have to avoid the same config being
used in different blueprint bundles or turn off update-strategy reload
because it will trigger an infinite reloading process.


On Mon, Dec 3, 2018, 7:38 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré < wrote:

> Hi Lukasz,
> I guess you mean that it adds the felix.fileinstall property.
> It allows Karaf (actually Felix FileInstall) to load the configuration
> from the cfg file.
> For 1, it's an expected behavior as you use reload. However, you should
> not have an infinite loop as only the first one add the property.
> For 2, you should have an exception but not blocker for Karaf usage.
> Can you provide some details about the property/config ?
> Regards
> JB
> On 03/12/2018 12:01, Lukasz Lech wrote:
> > Is there a reason why Karaf is touching config files when loading them
> > using cm:property-placeholder (Blueprint config)?
> >
> >
> >
> > There are 2 issues with that:
> >
> >
> >
> > 1)      If using update-strategy=”reload”, if 2 bundles are loading the
> > same config, they trigger their updates in infinite loop
> >
> > 2)      In docker container, I need to give explicite write permissions
> > to user running karaf (in standard setup, using Openshift ‘anyuid’
> > concept, a user running Karaf can read all files in container, but
> > cannot modify them).
> >
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Lukasz Lech
> >
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> Talend -

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