Hi Alex,

yes it is possible to use tx-control with Karaf, we have been using it on
v4.0.5 in our production system for about 18 months with no issues. One of
the main reasons we use tx-control is that is it 'backed' by a standard.
Rightly or wrongly we also didn't have confidence in Aries JPA Template at
the time we were considering transaction managment solutions to manage our
transactions in a production environment (perhaps this was misguided) but we
were concerned that there were few integrated tests for that project where
as there are over 2000 lines of test code for tx-control which demonstrate
sucess and failure cases for JPA, JDBC, non-XA, XA, last gambit wins,
commit, rollback depending upon exception type and much more.

I think the enRoute project has some examples
https://enroute.osgi.org/examples/023-examples-microservice-jdbc.html and
the tx-control test code is worth looking at.


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