
So using the EntityManagerFactoryBuilder and the 
JPAEntityManagerProviderFactory services is the lowest level way to set this 
up, and it requires a bit more setup than you are currently doing. I would 
normally recommend using configuration to directly create the 
JPAEntityManagerProvider for this reason.

There’s an example of using the programmatic API in the integration tests from 


You can see that the first step is actually to create the raw DataSource that 
you want to use. This gets passed in the JPA properties using the 
“javax.persistence.dataSource” property. It needs to be an XADataSource if you 
want to use XA transactions. 

The second part of your code that needs to change is that neither of the two 
maps passed to the JPAEntityManagerProviderFactory are for JDBC setup. The 
first Map is the one passed to the EntityManagerFactoryBuilder to create an 
EntityManagerFactory. The second Map contains configuration for the scoped 
resource, such as pooling setup parameters. You can see a description of this 
in the JavaDoc for the method. 

Hopefully the example and documentation will be enough to help you through, but 
I can also recommend just using configuration to create the 
JPAEntityManagerProvider directly. The OSGi enRoute tutorial does show how you 
can do this.

Injection and use of the provider: 

Configuration used to set up the provider: 

I hope this helps,


Sent from my iPhone

> On 9 Feb 2019, at 10:23, cobusstroebel <co...@scss.co.za> wrote:
> When switching to the vanilla DataSourceFactory the error disappears but now
> when I try to access the entity manager from the JPAEntityManagerProvider it
> throws this error:
> /Unable to acquire a connection from driver [null], user [null] and URL
> [null].  Verify that you have set the expected driver class and URL.  Check
> your login, persistence.xml or sessions.xml resource.  The jdbc.driver
> property should be set to a class that is compatible with your database
> platform./
> Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. Because I have specified all
> the necessary properties in the
> org.apache.aries.tx.controljpa.xa-example.cfg I can simply get the
> JPAEntityManagerProvider with empty maps, like this:
> JPAEntityManagerProvider jpaProvider =
> entityManagerProviderFactory.getProviderFor(
>    emfBuilder,
>    new HashMap<String, Object>(), //This would be additional jdbc
> properties
>    new HashMap<String, Object>()  //This would be additional jpa properties
> );
> Am I missing something?
> --
> Sent from: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Karaf-User-f930749.html

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