Hi JB,

Found a particular bundle that is getting start when installing kar with
only 1 feature with 1 bundle:

The org.hamcrest.core is always trying to start regardless of no start
option. Here is my feature xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <feature name='IrisBA' version='1.0.0' description='IrisBA feature'>

    <bundle start='false'>mvn:org.hamcrest/core/1.3.0-v201303031735</bundle>


Here is console log show the bundle is starting when the bundle is installed

C:\Users\ntle\gitNew\apache-karaf-4.2.6>bin\karaf.bat clean
karaf@root()> kar:install --no-start
karaf@root()> feature:info IrisBA
Feature IrisBA 1.0.0
  IrisBA feature
Feature has no configuration
Feature has no configuration files
Feature has no dependencies.
Feature contains followed bundles:
Feature has no conditionals.
karaf@root()> feature:info IrisBA
Feature IrisBA 1.0.0
  IrisBA feature
Feature has no configuration
Feature has no configuration files
Feature has no dependencies.
Feature contains followed bundles:
Feature has no conditionals.
karaf@root()> bundle:list -t 0 -s | grep hamcrest
45 | Starting |  80 | 1.3.0.v201303031735     | org.hamcrest.core

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