Hello JB

This is actually Talend Runtime 7.2.1 

By stacktrace I mean what is shown in browser as response. The stacktrace is
in the logs its fine if required we can suppress it.

Its a route with cRest component which is developed in Talend Studio. 

We have tried to add following section in Jetty and it did not work.
<New id="webApp" class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> 
<Set name="contextPath">/servics/MyService/getinfo/</Set> 
<Get name="errorHandler"> 
<Call name="setShowStacks"> 
<Arg type="boolean">false</Arg> 

Now I will try next is  
        <Get id="errorHandler"
                <Set name="showStacks" type="java.lang.Boolean">false</Set>

Or the Errorhandler must be custom one?


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