Hi Stefan,

So, you can see here that it can take both jms 1.x and 2.x.

If you have both JMS 1.x and JMS 2.x API deployed, it will take the 2.x.

That's why maybe the @Reference doesn't work: you probably have the two
API deployed and ActiveMQ connection factory is 1.x only.

Anyway, maybe you can provide a test case reproducing your issue to me ?

I would double check the JMS package deployed. Use bundle:tree-show to
see the wiring and then you will see the JMS API bundle used.


On 20/10/2019 12:38, stefang wrote:
> Hi JB,
> Import was exactly as in your JMS-Reference Example.
> <Import-Package>
>                             javax.jms*;version="[1,3)",
>                             *
>                         </Import-Package>
> Regards 
> Stefan 
> --
> Sent from: http://karaf.922171.n3.nabble.com/Karaf-User-f930749.html

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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