
> Ok, but why and how does it work for the default application?… I can not see 
> that JsonProviderPrototypeServiceFactory somehow adds a property for the 
> default app.

The reason that it works in the default application is that, by default, 
whiteboard resources and extensions target the default application. Note that 
in the JavaDoc for the application select property 
 it says that "Services without this service property are bound to the default 

The reason that this works is therefore that the 
MessageBodyReader/MessageBodyWriter service supplying JSON support in your 
application is now targeting the same application as your whiteboard resource. 
The other option that I outlined was effectively the reverse approach to reach 
the same goal, namely adding an application select filter to the JSON extension 

> There i don't need to select an extension in the resource but serialization 
> works?

Technically you *do* still need to select the extension in order for things to 
work 100% reliably. You can see this by investigating what happens when you 
stop the Aries Jackson bundle. You will see that your resource service is still 
hosted by the whiteboard, but that it explodes because there is no JSON 
support. What the extension select filter does is to tell the whiteboard not to 
host your whiteboard service until an appropriate extension is also present. In 
the absence of this filter your resource will always be hosted, whether the 
JSON support is available or not. Most of the time, however (basically at all 
times after startup has finished) your application will have both services and 
everything will work fine.

> Or is there some voodoo with SERVICE_RANKING?

There isn’t any voodoo with service ranking in the spec, except to say that if 
you have two services that could provide the same endpoint (or the same 
extension support) then the higher ranked service will win. Service ranking 
plays no role in the examples that we’ve been working with.

> Tbh i don't even find the point where the configuration for pid 
> org.apache.aries.jax.rs.jackson is created.

That’s because there isn’t one. The service starts up with its default 
configuration (which is good enough for many cases) and doesn’t require 
configuration admin in order to run.

> Besides the versioning of org.apache.aries.jax.rs.jackson seems broken and 
> the feature has a hardcoded dep on version 1.0.0 which source i cant find at 
> all.. and the artifacts in current source aren't build at all.

This is the CI job for the Aries JAX-RS Whiteboard integration projects, which 
are built separately from the whiteboard because they evolve at different 


I see releases 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 in Maven Central, all of them with source jars.


I hope this helps, all the best,


> On 17 Nov 2019, at 17:27, Matthias Leinweber <m.leinwe...@datatactics.de> 
> wrote:
> Hello Tim,
> thank you, again you improved my knowledge. I just stripped my code for 
> simplicity. 
> Ok, but why and how does it work for the default application?
> There i don't need to select an extension in the resource but serialization 
> works? I can not see that JsonProviderPrototypeServiceFactory somehow adds a 
> property for the default app. Or is there some voodoo with SERVICE_RANKING?. 
> Tbh i don't even find the point where the configuration for pid 
> org.apache.aries.jax.rs.jackson is created.
> Besides the versioning of org.apache.aries.jax.rs.jackson seems broken and 
> the feature has a hardcoded dep on version 1.0.0 which source i cant find at 
> all.. and the artifacts in current source aren't build at all.
> kr,
> Matthias
> So somehow the extension selection logic looks odd. Or is this made 
> media-type mapping?
> Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>> schrieb am Fr., 
> 15. Nov. 2019, 17:23:
> Hi Matthias,
> So from the example that you’ve given I’m not sure why you have the 
> whiteboard application at all. Providing an empty whiteboard application 
> doesn’t really give you any benefit - the primary use case is for registering 
> existing non-OSGi JAX-RS applications, or for where you already have a bunch 
> of resource classes.
> In any event, the reason that what you have isn’t working for you is that the 
> JSON extension isn’t targeting your application. It’s not enough to just put 
> "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name 
> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp)” on the resource, it must also go on the 
> extension, meaning that you need to configure the Aries JAX-RS support to add 
> that property.
> The other suggested fix, as Oleg outlined, is for example:
> @Component(
>     service = Application.class,
>     property = {
>       "osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp",
>       "osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/app",
>     })
> public class MyApp extends Application {
>     @Reference(target="(osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=jaxb-json)”)
>     Object writer;
>     @Override
>     public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
>         Feature f = fc -> fc.register(writer, MessageBodyWriter.class, 
> MessageBodyReader.class);
>         Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<>();
>         singletons.add(f);
>         return singletons;
>     }
> }
> @Path("/service")
> @Component(
>     service = MyService.class,
>     property = {
>       "osgi.jaxrs.resource=true",
>       "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name 
> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp)",
>     })
> public class MyService ...
>> On 15 Nov 2019, at 15:35, Oleg Cohen <oleg.co...@assurebridge.com 
>> <mailto:oleg.co...@assurebridge.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> I was in the same situation. Here is what I ended up doing. Perhaps it will 
>> work for you.
>> Here is my code:
>> import java.util.HashSet;
>> import java.util.Set;
>> import javax.ws.rs.core.Application;
>> import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
>> import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
>> import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
>> import org.osgi.service.jaxrs.whiteboard.propertytypes.JaxrsApplicationBase;
>> import org.osgi.service.jaxrs.whiteboard.propertytypes.JaxrsName;
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
>> import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider;
>> @Component(service = Application.class)
>> @JaxrsApplicationBase(“my-app")
>> @JaxrsName(“MyApplication")
>> public class MyApplication extends Application {
>>      private static final Logger logger = 
>> org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger(MyApplication.class);
>>      private JacksonJsonProvider jsonProvider;
>>      @Activate
>>      private void activate() {
>>              logger.info(“MyApplication.activate(): Entry ...");
>>              ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
>>              objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
>>              objectMapper.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_NULL);
>> objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, 
>> false);
>> objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE,
>>  false);
>>              jsonProvider = new JacksonJsonProvider(objectMapper);
>>              logger.info(“MyApplication.activate(): jsonProvider = " + 
>> jsonProvider);
>>      }
>>     @Override
>>     public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
>>         Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<>();
>>         singletons.add(jsonProvider);
>>         return singletons;
>>     }
>> }
>>> On Nov 15, 2019, at 10:26 AM, Matthias Leinweber 
>>> <m.leinwe...@datatactics.de <mailto:m.leinwe...@datatactics.de>> wrote:
>>> Ok that is something i already tried. But i don't want to use a own 
>>> MessageWriter/Reader. I just want to use the one provided by aries-http 
>>> whiteboard:
>>> [javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyReader, javax.ws.rs.ext.MessageBodyWriter]
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  jackson.jaxb.version = 2.9.6
>>>  jackson.jaxrs.json.version = 2.9.6
>>>  osgi.jaxrs.extension = true
>>>  osgi.jaxrs.media.type = application/json
>>>  osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/> = jaxb-json
>>>  service.bundleid = 46
>>>  service.id <http://service.id/> = 170
>>>  service.ranking = -2147483648
>>>  service.scope = prototype
>>> Provided by : 
>>>  Apache Aries JAX-RS JAX-RS Jackson (46)
>>> Used by: 
>>>  Apache Aries JAX-RS Whiteboard (47)
>>> But something is wrong...
>>> My components are configured this way...
>>> @Component(
>>>     service = Application.class,
>>>     property = {
>>>       "osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp",
>>>       "osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/app",
>>> "osgi.jaxrs.whiteboard.target=(service.pid=org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard.default)",
>>>       //"osgi.jaxrs.extension.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=jaxb-json)" <- i tried it also here
>>>     })
>>> public class MyApp extends Application {}
>>> @Path("/service")
>>> @Component(
>>>     service = MyService.class,
>>>     property = {
>>>       "osgi.jaxrs.resource=true",
>>>       "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp)",
>>>       "osgi.jaxrs.extension.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=jaxb-json)" <- with this line the complete karaf 
>>> installation is not responding
>>>     })
>>> public class MyService ...
>>> Am Fr., 15. Nov. 2019 um 11:47 Uhr schrieb Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com 
>>> <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>>:
>>> Hi Matthias,
>>> So it sounds as though you’re in the following situation:
>>> Providing a custom Application to the whiteboard
>>> The application service has the property osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/> = MyApp set on the service registration
>>> Your application needs, but does not contain, JSON serialisation support
>>> You want to use an external MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter service 
>>> to extend your application
>>> Assuming that these are correct then:
>>> Your Application needs to tell the whiteboard that it is missing some 
>>> required extensions. This will prevent it being deployed until the 
>>> extension is available. See the details of the osgi.jaxrs.extension.select 
>>> <https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.jaxrs.html#service.jaxrs.common.properties>
>>>  property which will need to match service properties on your whiteboard 
>>> extension
>>> Your external MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter will need to be 
>>> registered with
>>> The service has the property osgi.jaxrs.extension = true (to say that this 
>>> is an extension)
>>> The service registers the interfaces MessageBodyReader and 
>>> MessageBodyWriter (defining the types that the whiteboard will use it as)
>>> The service has the relevant property(ies) to match your application’s 
>>> extension select filter
>>> The service has the property osgi.jaxrs.application.select = 
>>> (osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp) to select your 
>>> application as a target
>>> Another option is simply to set the extension as a part of your whiteboard 
>>> application. This way you avoid the need to set quite so many service 
>>> properties because the application is “complete” and doesn’t need to 
>>> register a dependency or be targeted by an extension.
>>> All the best,
>>> Tim
>>>> On 15 Nov 2019, at 00:07, Matthias Leinweber <m.leinwe...@datatactics.de 
>>>> <mailto:m.leinwe...@datatactics.de>> wrote:
>>>> Ok i hit an additional problem.
>>>> When i create a JaxRsApplication i can reference them in my resource 
>>>> everything works fine except the MessageWriter and MessageReader e.g. 
>>>> Jackson Extension is not found.
>>>> --> No message body writer has been found for class ... ContentType: 
>>>> application/json
>>>> Without "osgi.jaxrs.application.select=(osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=MyApp)", serialization works.
>>>> I also tried to explicitly select the whiteboard for the Application, with 
>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.whiteboard.target=(service.pid=org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard.default)"
>>>>  but that doesn't work.
>>>> How does the injection mechanism work? I couldn't figure it out reading 
>>>> the aries source code.
>>>> regards,
>>>> Matthias
>>>> Am Fr., 8. Nov. 2019 um 10:28 Uhr schrieb Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com 
>>>> <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Yes, you can absolutely inject things using @Context (this is the only way 
>>>> to do server sent events, so it’s not optional for any implementation). 
>>>> It’s recommended that you inject into resource methods, rather than into 
>>>> fields, unless you make your service prototype scope. This is to avoid any 
>>>> potential threading mismatch if you inject invocation scoped objects (e.g. 
>>>> an incoming HttpServletRequest) and get two http calls at the same time.
>>>> Tim
>>>>> On 7 Nov 2019, at 16:24, Matthias Leinweber <m.leinwe...@datatactics.de 
>>>>> <mailto:m.leinwe...@datatactics.de>> wrote:
>>>>> Great. Thank you very much.
>>>>> I dont want to add CXF or Jersey. thank to your answer I have come up 
>>>>> with the idea myself to inject the  @Context HttpServletRequest into the 
>>>>> JaxRS code. To mix in this: 
>>>>> https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.http.whiteboard.html#d0e120961
>>>>> <https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.http.whiteboard.html#d0e120961>
>>>>> I didn't test it yet but does it work? I don't see that the aries JaxRs 
>>>>> whiteboard impl somewhere defined 
>>>>> osgi.http.whiteboard.servlet.multipart.enabled=true
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Matthias
>>>>> Am Do., 7. Nov. 2019 um 15:38 Uhr schrieb Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com 
>>>>> <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>>:
>>>>> Hi Matthias
>>>>>> I was a bit confused about how you could add a Servelt to the 
>>>>>> JaxRsWhiteboard instead of the HttpWhiteboard for Multi-Part file 
>>>>>> uploads.
>>>>> I hope it’s now clear that the JAX-RS whiteboard does not support 
>>>>> Servlets. You can either:
>>>>> Register a servlet with the Http Whiteboard and find a place to put the 
>>>>> file
>>>>> Handle the multipart file upload using JAX-RS
>>>>> If the file upload is only needed by your JAX-RS components then I would 
>>>>> recommend just using JAX-RS rather than a servlet.
>>>>>> * So a JaxRsResource can but most not belong to an application?
>>>>> A JAX-RS Whiteboard resource is just a “bare” resource in the service 
>>>>> registry. In the most common case the resource service that you register 
>>>>> will bind to the “default” application provided by the JAX-RS Whiteboard. 
>>>>> There is no need to deploy a custom whiteboard application for resources 
>>>>> to be hosted by the JAX-RS whiteboard.
>>>>>> * It's fine to put all your Resources into the same JaxRsWhiteboard even 
>>>>>> if you could separate them?
>>>>> Yes. This will work fine. All the resources (by default) will get hosted 
>>>>> in the default application. If you do want to provide some isolation 
>>>>> between the resources (e.g. if you need differently configured JSON 
>>>>> providers for different resources) then you can still do this with a 
>>>>> single JAX-RSWhiteboard, but you will need to provide separate 
>>>>> Applications for the resources and extensions. This is because 
>>>>> applications within the whiteboard *are* isolated from each other, and 
>>>>> can have different sets of resources and extensions.
>>>>> In general, however, you’re pretty safe just registering all the 
>>>>> resources and extensions that you need directly with the whiteboard using 
>>>>> the default application.
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 7 Nov 2019, at 12:54, Matthias Leinweber <m.leinwe...@datatactics.de 
>>>>>> <mailto:m.leinwe...@datatactics.de>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Tim,
>>>>>> thanks for your reply. I get the JaxRS Application thing wrong. I 
>>>>>> thought that an application and a JaxRsResource is/can be the same. But 
>>>>>> obviously, if you read the documentation correct, then not.
>>>>>> Then it also makes sense to inject the Application with @Context 
>>>>>> Applicaiton app into a method.
>>>>>> I had also a misunderstanding with http and jaxrs whiteboard. I was a 
>>>>>> bit confused about how you could add a Servelt to the JaxRsWhiteboard 
>>>>>> instead of the HttpWhiteboard for Multi-Part file uploads.
>>>>>> I think the default app and the configuration of the default jaxrs 
>>>>>> whiteboard caused some confusion for me.
>>>>>> * So a JaxRsResource can but most not belong to an application?
>>>>>> * It's fine to put all your Resources into the same JaxRsWhiteboard even 
>>>>>> if you could separate them?
>>>>>> right? then I think, I understood the thing and i like it :)
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Matthias
>>>>>> Am Do., 7. Nov. 2019 um 13:24 Uhr schrieb Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>>:
>>>>>>> in OSGI 6 I think we should be able to use
>>>>>>> @Component(property = {"osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>>>>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=myApp", "osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/foo"}, 
>>>>>>> service = A.class)
>>>>>>> class...
>>>>>>> That does not work or did I misunderstood something?
>>>>>> If you want to register an application with the whiteboard then you must 
>>>>>> register it as a javax.ws.rs <http://javax.ws.rs/>.core.Application in 
>>>>>> the service registry. This is outlined at 
>>>>>> https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpou 
>>>>>> cann/7.0.0/service.jaxrs.html#service.jaxrs.application.services 
>>>>>> <https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.jaxrs.html#service.jaxrs.application.services>
>>>>>>> Second how do i create additional Servlets and how do I select them in 
>>>>>>> a resource?
>>>>>>> E.g. A configfile/servicepid
>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard-bar.cfg
>>>>>>> application.base.prefix=/bar
>>>>>>> should create an additional servlet container?
>>>>>> I’m not sure that I totally follow here. It looks like you’re trying to 
>>>>>> create a configuration for another Aries JAX-RS whitboard instance - is 
>>>>>> this really what you want, a second JAX-RS whiteboard? The Aries JAX-RS 
>>>>>> Whiteboard is designed to build on top of a compliant Http Whiteboard, 
>>>>>> if you are actually trying to create another Http Whiteboard (e.g. to 
>>>>>> get HTTP served on another port) then you will need to set that up in 
>>>>>> PAX-Web.
>>>>>>> Then with
>>>>>>> @JaxrsWhiteboardTarget
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.whiteboard.target="
>>>>>>> I can select the servlet/Whiteboard, but how does the LDAP string look? 
>>>>>>> (service.pid=org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard-bar)?
>>>>>> This property only applies if you create more than one JAX-RS 
>>>>>> whiteboard, and would be applied to your JAX-RS Whiteboard services 
>>>>>> (resources, applications, extensions), and you would use the filter to 
>>>>>> select the JAX-RS Whiteboard that you wanted them to use. If you do want 
>>>>>> to do this, which seems unlikely, then you would typically add a marker 
>>>>>> property into the configuration for your JAX-RS Whiteboard and then use 
>>>>>> that property name/value in the filter.
>>>>>> Any questions that relate to setting up the Http Whiteboard will need to 
>>>>>> be handled by someone with more PAX-Web experience. I would also 
>>>>>> recommend that, in addition to describing the problems that you’ve 
>>>>>> encountered, you include a description of what you’re trying to achieve 
>>>>>> with your system.
>>>>>> E.g.
>>>>>> Do you want multiple Http ports being served (this would be Http 
>>>>>> Whiteboard not JAX-RS Whiteboard)?
>>>>>> Do you want JAX-RS Whiteboard support on top of one or more of the 
>>>>>> available Http Whiteboards)?
>>>>>> Do you want to publish JAX-RS resource services, application services, 
>>>>>> or a mixture of the two?
>>>>>> Do you want the JAX-RS services that you publish to appear on all 
>>>>>> whiteboards, or just a subset?
>>>>>> With this information it will be much easier to help you to achieve your 
>>>>>> goal.
>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>> On 6 Nov 2019, at 17:25, Matthias Leinweber <m.leinwe...@datatactics.de 
>>>>>>> <mailto:m.leinwe...@datatactics.de>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi JB,
>>>>>>> yes that was my first place to start... really like the examples in the 
>>>>>>> source, they are really helpful.
>>>>>>> ok:
>>>>>>> Fist thing are JAXRs Applications. In OSGI7 we will use
>>>>>>> @JaxrsName("myApp")
>>>>>>> @JaxrsApplicationBase("foo")
>>>>>>> @Component
>>>>>>> class....
>>>>>>> in OSGI 6 I think we should be able to use
>>>>>>> @Component(property = {"osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>>>>>> <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>=myApp", "osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/foo"}, 
>>>>>>> service = A.class)
>>>>>>> class...
>>>>>>> That does not work or did I misunderstood something?
>>>>>>> Second how do i create additional Servlets and how do I select them in 
>>>>>>> a resource?
>>>>>>> E.g. A configfile/servicepid
>>>>>>> org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard-bar.cfg
>>>>>>> application.base.prefix=/bar
>>>>>>> should create an additional servlet container?
>>>>>>> Then with
>>>>>>> @JaxrsWhiteboardTarget
>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>> "osgi.jaxrs.whiteboard.target="
>>>>>>> I can select the servlet/Whiteboard, but how does the LDAP string look? 
>>>>>>> (service.pid=org.apache.aries.jax.rs.whiteboard-bar)?
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Matthias
>>>>>>> Am Mi., 6. Nov. 2019 um 18:00 Uhr schrieb Jean-Baptiste Onofré 
>>>>>>> <j...@nanthrax.net <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>>:
>>>>>>> Hi Matthias,
>>>>>>> did you take a look on the Karaf example ?
>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/karaf/tree/master/examples/karaf-rest-example 
>>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/karaf/tree/master/examples/karaf-rest-example>
>>>>>>> It contains different approaches, including whiteboard.
>>>>>>> Can you describe a bit what you are looking for ? We can then create the
>>>>>>> Jira at Karaf/Aries to improve example/documentation.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> JB
>>>>>>> On 06/11/2019 17:56, Matthias Leinweber wrote:
>>>>>>> > Hello Karaf Team,
>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>> > I know that this not the 100% correct mailing list for aries jax-rs.
>>>>>>> > However my question is what do you plan for further releases of 
>>>>>>> > Karaf? I
>>>>>>> > try to use the aries implementation but I struggle with the 
>>>>>>> > configuration.
>>>>>>> > Beside the incomplete documentation and the "very special" DSL which 
>>>>>>> > is
>>>>>>> > used I dug into the code and understood the following things.
>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>> > * You can not add additional JAXRSApplications. ("osgi.jaxrs.name 
>>>>>>> > <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>
>>>>>>> > <http://osgi.jaxrs.name <http://osgi.jaxrs.name/>>=myApp", 
>>>>>>> > "osgi.jaxrs.application.base=/approot"}
>>>>>>> > although there is code which should do this?
>>>>>>> > * Additional configurations for other then the default servlet is not
>>>>>>> > possible although there is a service factory manager which should 
>>>>>>> > handle
>>>>>>> > additional configs?
>>>>>>> > * With org.apache.aries.jax.rs 
>>>>>>> > <http://org.apache.aries.jax.rs/>.whiteboard.default.cfg
>>>>>>> > # application.base.prefix you can add a global url prefix to your
>>>>>>> > JaxRSResoureces. Would be nice if that could be documented somewhere.
>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>> > Don't get me wrong I do not say that the bundle is bad, but at some
>>>>>>> > point it could be easier to understand.
>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>> > regards Matthias
>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
>>>>>>> jbono...@apache.org <mailto:jbono...@apache.org>
>>>>>>> http://blog.nanthrax.net <http://blog.nanthrax.net/>
>>>>>>> Talend - http://www.talend.com <http://www.talend.com/>
>>>>>>> -- 

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