Take a look on bundle:diag 


Le jeu. 13 f?vr. 2020 ? 20:04, Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no> a ?crit :
Platform: debian 10.3 "buster", amd64, openjdk 11, karaf 4.2.8 (from binary tarball)

I have this in bundle:list:
166 ? Waiting ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn webapp backend
167 ? Active ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn webapp Liquibase db schema definitions
168 ? Active ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn webapp production database setup
169 ? Active ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn webapp OSGi service definitions
170 ? Active ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn webapp web frontend
171 ? Active ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn web security component
172 ? Waiting ? 80 ? 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT ? Ukelonn webapp REST API

Curiously bundle:status reports 166 as Active:
karaf@root()> bundle:status 166

Is there a reason for bundle 166 showing as Waiting in list and active
in status?

Is there a bundle:* command to show what service or imported package,
166 is Waiting for?

There are no suspicious stack traces from the startup in karaf.log.


- Steinar

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