
Apologies if I'm misinterpreting Mike's comments below as I was not able to attend this presentation (but will watch it when available).

On 4/30/2020 2:20 PM, Mike Hummel wrote:

<stuff deleted>

- A common topic for clustering is a common cache and locking. It's possible 
with hazelcast. But I was not able use hazelcasts caching service - lots of 
class loader issues. I was able to use ehcache (no locking) and redis for this 
features. It's a shame that specially 'java caching api' is not possible in 
OSGi using hazelcast. It's also not easy with ehcache but I found a workaround.

[Scott] It seems possible to me that remote services could be useful for creating such a 'java caching api', and ECF has a distribution provider based upon hazelcast [1]...allowing a nice separation between 'caching api' (set of interacting osgi services), implementation (OSGi service impls) and distribution (Hazelcast and/or other distribution providers).

<stuff deleted>

I found the presentation of Dimitry very helpful. I will try not to divide each 
service in a separate container. In this scenario it's also possible to share 
database entities in the same JVM engine - this will even boost the performance 
- instead of using it via rest all the time.

Also interesting is the support of API gateways. For me a big problem is the 
service discovery. It's absolutely stupid to configure each service manually in 
the API gateway. A more comfortable way would be some kind of discovery. Karaf 
could automatically configure/update the gateway depending on the provided jax 
rs resources.

WRT service discovery...remote services specifies service discovery using an arbitrary comm protocol, and ECF has a discovery provider based upon etcd [1], which is also used in Kubernetes I believe.   With this etcd provider [2], I expect that creating a Kubernetes remote service publish/discovery would be straightforward.




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