I found using Docker Secrets a convenient a way to protect passwords when 
running Docker containers.  I know I can reference an environment variables in 
Karaf's config files, but that is not very secure, or at least less secure than 
secrets.  For example, to configure a key store in the Pax Web config file: 
org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg one would need to provide a value for key 
org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.password.  The problem is how to reference a secret, 
which is a file, as the value of this  property?  In other words, I am looking 
for something like:

        org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.password=$(cat /run/secrets/keystorepass)

Is there anything similar or planned? 

(Same would be useful to configure the JAAS users in users.properties, etc.)  

Best regards,
Alex soto

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