
It looks like the features service (or at least the command bundle) is not 

Can you do la and send the output to me ?

I confirm that it works on my three boxes, but they are not running on Windows 
(I will try on Windows VM).


> Le 3 déc. 2020 à 04:12, Michael Oliver <mikeolive...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Trying to install karaf 4.3.0 as a service on Windows 10.
> When I try to run "feature:install service-wrapper" I get a "command not 
> found feature" on the client.
> Shell
> shell.bat: Ignoring predefined value for KARAF_HOME
> [36m        __ __                  ____       [0m
> [36m       / //_/____ __________ _/ __/       [0m
> [36m      / ,<  / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ /_         [0m
> [36m     / /| |/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / __/         [0m
> [36m    /_/ |_|\__,_/_/   \__,_/_/         [0m
> [1m  Apache Karaf [0m (4.3.0)
> Hit ' [1m<tab> [0m' for a list of available commands
> and ' [1m[cmd] --help [0m' for help on a specific command.
> Hit ' [1m<ctrl-d> [0m' or type ' [1msystem:shutdown [0m' or ' [1mlogout [0m' 
> to shutdown Karaf.
> karaf@root()> feature:install service-wrapper
> feature:install service-wrapper
> [?2004l[org.apache.karaf.shell.support.ShellUtil] DEBUG : Unknown command 
> entered
> org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.CommandNotFoundException: Command not found: 
> feature:install
>         at org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Closure.executeCmd(Closure.java:596)
>         at 
> org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Closure.executeStatement(Closure.java:526)
>         at org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Closure.execute(Closure.java:415)
>         at org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Pipe.doCall(Pipe.java:416)
>         at org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Pipe.call(Pipe.java:229)
>         at org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Pipe.call(Pipe.java:59)
>         at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
>         at 
> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1130)
>         at 
> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:630)
>         at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:832)
> [31mCommand not found: [0m [31;1mfeature:install [0m
> karaf@root()>
> --
> --
> Michael Oliver
> -- 
> --
> Michael Oliver
> +639175570990

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