The Alerting Service starts with Java 1.8.0_212 (OpenJDK Client VM version 
25.212-b01).  This is appears to be a Java 11 issue.

> On Jan 1, 2021, at 1:09 PM, Paul Spencer <> wrote:
> Karaf 4.2.10
> Decanter 2.6.0
> JVM  OpenJDK Server VM version
> The Alerting service will is not starting due to a missing service.  Why is 
> the service missing?
> karaf@root()> bundle:list
> START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
> ID │ State   │ Lvl │ Version │ Name
> ───┼─────────┼─────┼─────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
> 24 │ Active  │  80 │ 4.2.10  │ Apache Karaf :: OSGi Services :: Event
> 49 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: API
> 50 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Collector :: OSHI
> 51 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Marshaller :: CSV
> 52 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Marshaller :: Json
> 53 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Marshaller :: Raw
> 54 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Parser :: Identity
> 55 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Parser :: Regex
> 56 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Parser :: Split
> 60 │ Active  │  80 │ 1.1.4   │ JSR 374 (JSON Processing) Default Provider
> 64 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Appender :: File
> 65 │ Waiting │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Alerting :: Service
> 66 │ Active  │  80 │ 2.6.0   │ Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Alerting :: Log
> karaf@root()> 
> karaf@root()> bundle:headers 65                                               
> Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Alerting :: Service (65)
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Bnd-LastModified = 1607876626900
> Build-Jdk = 1.8.0_241
> Built-By = jbonofre
> Created-By = Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
> Manifest-Version = 1.0
> Service-Component = 
> OSGI-INF/org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.xml,OSGI-INF/,OSGI-INF/
> Tool = Bnd-
> Karaf-Commands = 
> org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.command,org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.command.completers
> Bundle-Description = The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the 
> Apache community of open-source software projects.    The Apache projects are 
> characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an 
> open and    pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality 
> software that leads the way in its field.    We consider ourselves not simply 
> a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers    
> and users.
> Bundle-DocURL =
> Bundle-License =
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-Name = Apache Karaf :: Decanter :: Alerting :: Service
> Bundle-SymbolicName = org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service
> Bundle-Vendor = The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-Version = 2.6.0
> Provide-Capability = 
> osgi.service;objectClass:List<String>=org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.Store,
> osgi.service;objectClass:List<String>,
> osgi.service;objectClass:List<String>=org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler
> Require-Capability = 
> osgi.extender;filter:=(&(osgi.extender=osgi.component)(version>=1.3.0)(!(version>=2.0.0))),
> osgi.service;effective:=active;filter:=(objectClass=org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.Store),
> osgi.service;effective:=active;filter:=(objectClass=org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin),
> Import-Package = 
>       javax.json;version="[1.1,2)",
>       javax.xml.parsers,
>       org.osgi.framework;version="[1.8,2)",
>       org.osgi.service.component;version="[1.3,2)",
>       org.osgi.service.event;version="[1.3,2)",
>       org.slf4j;version="[1.7,2)",
>       org.w3c.dom,
>       org.xml.sax,
>       org.xml.sax.helpers,
>       sun.misc
> karaf@root()>                                                                 
> ***
> * From Karaf.log
> ***
> 12:35:57.202 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Changes to perform:
> 12:35:57.213 INFO [features-3-thread-1]   Region: root
> 12:35:57.218 INFO [features-3-thread-1]     Bundles to install:
> 12:35:57.227 INFO [features-3-thread-1]       
> mvn:org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting/org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service/2.6.0
> 12:35:57.249 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Installing bundles:
> 12:35:57.261 INFO [features-3-thread-1]   
> mvn:org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting/org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service/2.6.0
> 12:35:57.536 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Starting bundles:
> 12:35:57.543 INFO [features-3-thread-1]   
> org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service/2.6.0
> 12:35:57.619 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Command registration delayed for 
> bundle org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service/2.6.0. Missing service: 
> [org.apache.karaf.decanter.alerting.service.Store]
> 12:35:57.878 ERROR [features-3-thread-1] registerMBean: Cannot register MBean 
> service null with MBean servers: Not an instanceof DynamicMBean or not MBean 
> spec compliant standard MBean
> 12:35:57.934 INFO [features-3-thread-1] Done.
> 12:35:57.833 ERROR [FelixDispatchQueue] FrameworkEvent ERROR
> org.osgi.framework.ServiceException: Service factory returned null. 
> (Component: (14))
> Paul Spencer

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