Worked for me with JDK 15.0.1

Thank you!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 11, 2021, at 9:54 AM, Oleg Cohen <> wrote:

This is good news! I will try with my stuff.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 11, 2021, at 9:23 AM, Michal Hlavac <> wrote:


from what I've tested, it works on JDK 15 on project:


On pondelok 11. januára 2021 15:12:02 CET Jean-Baptiste Onofre wrote:

> Hi Oleg,


> JDK 11 works fine with Karaf 4.3.0.


> I’m testing JDK14/JDK15 now.


> Regards

> JB


> > Le 11 janv. 2021 à 13:47, Oleg Cohen <> a
écrit :

> >

> > Greetings,

> >

> > Wanted to confirm the latest JDK that is supported by Karaf 4.3.0.

> >

> > I am now using 11. Would love to move to a later one.

> >

> > Thank you!

> > Oleg

> >


[ michal hlavac ] [ ] [ tel: +420 773 205 794 ]

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