>>>>> Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>:

> To trigger the issue, clone and build the projects below as indicated,
> and then bump the karaf version in authservice/pom.xml to 4.3.1 and do
> "mvn clean install" in authservice, which will fail in the pax exam
> integration test because LogService isn't found:

Some results of my own experimentation
 1. Building authservice with karaf.version 4.3.0 works, including the
    pax exam test
 2. The authservice built with karaf.version 4.3.0 loads fine in karaf 4.3.0
 3. The authservice built with karaf.version 4.3.0 fails to load in
    karaf 4.3.1 (I get the LogService is missing error)
 4. The *.xml files in ~/.m2/repository/no/priv/bang/authservice/ does
    not contain the string LogService, whether built with karaf.version
    4.3.0 or 4.3.1
 5. The manifest.mf of one of the failing bundles,
    authservice.db.liquibase.test-1.13.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, does contain the
    following header, both when built with 4.3.0 and 4.3.1
    Require-Capability: osgi.ee;filter:="(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))"
 6. The manifest.mf of authservice.db.liquibase.test-1.13.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    only differs in the timestamp of the header Bnd-Lastmodified between
    being built with karaf.version 4.3.0 and 4.3.1
 7. Building authservice with karaf.version 4.3.1 fails in the pax exam
    integration test, because a lot of the bundles fail because they
    can't find LogService
 8. The 
    file inside authservice.db.liquibase.test-1.13.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is
    identical when built with karaf.version 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 and
    references the LogService

So I *think* this means that the LogService is available in karaf 4.3.0
but not available in 4.3.1.

I.e. a runtime issue and not a build issue.

But I am far from sure...:-)

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