I’m attempting to use karaf-maven-plugin:verify to verify our features files.

They load just fine at runtime, but the verify plugin fails on:

missing requirement [de.ruedigermoeller.fst/2.57.0] osgi.wiring.package; 

The sun.nio package doesn’t even appear to be defined in jre.properties, so I’m 
not sure if it’s just something that’s normally inferred from the runtime 
environment without any configuration, but I can’t seem to figure out how to 
make verify accept it without forking fst and making my own fixes to their 

Any ideas how to deal with this without doing something hacky like shading? I 
tried wrap: on the fst bundle to override the Import-Package, but I guess wrap 
must not do anything if there’s already valid bundle metadata.


Benjamin Reed (he/him)
Principal Software Engineer | Raleigh, NC

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