
The documentation is correct if we have pax-jdbc-config feature
installed. A factory config should be created in etc for the

Let me take a look but it's fine afair.


On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 5:57 PM Paul Spencer <paulspen...@mindspring.com> wrote:
> Karaf 4.3.6
> The documentation, https://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest/#_datasources_jdbc, 
>  for the "name" argument in the command "jdbc:ds-create" states "to create 
> the datasource definition file (deploy/datasource-[name].xml)."  I do not see 
> a file created in the deploy directory, but I do see a file in the cache 
> directory for the "Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service" bundle with a 
> generated name.
> 1) Is this phase inaccurate and should be removed from the documentation?
> 2) If the phrase is correct, how does one create the file in the deploy 
> directory?
> ***
> * Example of creating JDBC Datasource and looking of the created data 
> definition file in the deploy directory
> **
> karaf@root()> jdbc:ds-create -dn hsqldb -url "dbc:hsqldb:mem:." -u sa myDb
> karaf@root()> ds-list
> Name              │ Service Id │ Product              │ Version               
>    │ URL                                                 │ Status
> ──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────
> myDb              │ 177        │ HSQL Database Engine │ 2.5.1                 
>    │ jdbc:hsqldb:dbc:hsqldb:mem:.                        │ OK
> karaf@root()> config:list '(service.factoryPid=org.ops4j.datasource)'
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Pid:            org.ops4j.datasource.ad014501-2db1-4455-abb9-ced214fee015
> FactoryPid:     org.ops4j.datasource
> BundleLocation: mvn:org.ops4j.pax.jdbc/pax-jdbc-config/1.5.0
> Properties:
>    dataSourceName = myDb
>    osgi.jdbc.driver.name = hsqldb
>    service.factoryPid = org.ops4j.datasource
>    service.pid = org.ops4j.datasource.ad014501-2db1-4455-abb9-ced214fee015
>    url = dbc:hsqldb:mem:.
>    user = sa
> karaf@root()> shell:ls deploy
> .      ..     README
> karaf@root()>
> karaf@root()> list -t 0 12
> START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 0
> ID │ State  │ Lvl │ Version │ Name
> ───┼────────┼─────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────12
>  │ Active │  10 │ 1.9.22  │ Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service
> karaf@root()>
> karaf@root()> shell:ls -l  
> data/cache/bundle12/data/config/org/ops4j/datasource/ad014501-2db1-4455-abb9-ced214fee015.config
> -rw-r--r--   1 paul     staff         252 Apr 29 11:30 
> data/cache/bundle12/data/config/org/ops4j/datasource/ad014501-2db1-4455-abb9-ced214fee015.config
> karaf@root()>
> karaf@root()> shell:cat  
> data/cache/bundle12/data/config/org/ops4j/datasource/ad014501-2db1-4455-abb9-ced214fee015.config
> :org.apache.felix.configadmin.revision:=L"1"
> dataSourceName="myDb"
> osgi.jdbc.driver.name="hsqldb"
> service.factoryPid="org.ops4j.datasource"
> service.pid="org.ops4j.datasource.ad014501-2db1-4455-abb9-ced214fee015"
> url="dbc:hsqldb:mem:."
> user="sa"
> karaf@root()>    karaf@root()>
> Paul Spencer

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