Hi JB,

Do you need any more info to be able to answer my questions?

Kind regards,

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 10:48 AM Steven Huypens <steven.huyp...@gmail.com>

> Hi JB,
> Thanks for your answer.
> From my debug.log (see below) I can only see a lot of config updates
> before the exception, though it looks like the EventAdmin handles a
> configuration org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.-configuration update right
> before the exception, I think it's caused by Decanter, which adds some
> properties to the file. Can that explain the restart ?
> Anyway, isn't a restart always possible ? Or do we have to make sure
> eventAdmin is never restarted ?
> I did already post the karaf-maven-plugin configuration, what else might
> be useful to you ?
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,724 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=org.apache.felix.hc.generalchecks.FrameworkStartCheck)] DEBUG
> - Updating configuration
> org.apache.felix.hc.generalchecks.FrameworkStartCheck to revision #2
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,724 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.EventAdmin)] DEBUG - Running
> task Update: pid=org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.EventAdmin
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,724 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.EventAdmin)] DEBUG - Updating
> configuration org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.EventAdmin to revision #2
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,725 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.EventAdmin)] DEBUG -
> canReceive=true;
> bundle=reference:file:/opt/jenkins-slave/home/workspace/cs/csf-vlabel/CSF_Build/karaf_assembler_it_trunk_0/csf-assembler-karaf-integration-tests/it-tests-ini/target/target/paxexam/186d19ae-7456-4daa-9563-66756537ad7f/system/org/apache/karaf/services/org.apache.karaf.services.eventadmin/4.4.3/org.apache.karaf.services.eventadmin-4.4.3.jar;
> configuration=? (no SecurityManager)
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,726 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=org.apache.cxf.osgi)] DEBUG - Running task Update:
> pid=org.apache.cxf.osgi
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,726 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=org.apache.cxf.osgi)] DEBUG - Updating configuration
> org.apache.cxf.osgi to revision #2
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,726 - [o.a.f.configadmin   ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=service.config.epos.notify.dossier.listener)] DEBUG - Running
> task Update: pid=service.config.epos.notify.dossier.listener
>  2023-03-20 08:56:39,735 - [o.a.k.s.eventadmin  ][CM Configuration Updater
> (Update: pid=service.config.epos.notify.dossier.listener)] WARN  -
> EventAdmin: Exception: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException:
> Task java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@53b3ce21[Not completed, task =
> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@17421564[Wrapped task =
> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.tasks.AsyncDeliverTasks$TaskExecuter@139a1914]]
> rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@488bf91e[Shutting
> down, pool size = 8, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks
> = 95]
>  java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task
> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@53b3ce21[Not completed, task =
> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@17421564[Wrapped task =
> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.tasks.AsyncDeliverTasks$TaskExecuter@139a1914]]
> rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@488bf91e[Shutting
> down, pool size = 8, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks
> = 95]
> Kind regards,
> Steven
> On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 9:43 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi Steven,
>> The refresh doesn't occur on Karaf standard distribution, so I think
>> you have another feature that triggers the refresh.
>> Can you please share the karaf.log and eventually your assembly pom.xml ?
>> Thanks
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 11:31 AM Steven Huypens
>> <steven.huyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > When starting our custom Karaf distribution, we regularly see the error
>> below. I'm not sure I understand it OK, but it looks like the Felix
>> ConfigurationManager tries to log something, but an exception is thrown,
>> stopping the update-Thread. Maybe the eventAdmin bundle is restarted
>> somehow during boot, which makes it unavailable for a short period, but I
>> feel that a logLine should never have this kind of impact. At the bottom
>> you can find the configuration of our karaf-maven-plugin.
>> >
>> > Can I prevent the eventAdmin bundle from being restarted, or should the
>> exception be handled differently somewhere ?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > RejectedExecutionException: Task
>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@616ff6e9[Not completed, task =
>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@35bad341[Wrapped task =
>> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.tasks.AsyncDeliverTasks$TaskExecuter@6de671aa]]
>> rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@20fbc2ac[Shutting
>> down, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks
>> = 176]
>> >  java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task
>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@616ff6e9[Not completed, task =
>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@35bad341[Wrapped task =
>> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.tasks.AsyncDeliverTasks$TaskExecuter@6de671aa]]
>> rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@20fbc2ac[Shutting
>> down, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks
>> = 176]
>> > at
>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:2055)
>> > at
>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:825)
>> > at
>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1350)
>> > at
>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(AbstractExecutorService.java:118)
>> > at
>> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.tasks.DefaultThreadPool.executeTask(DefaultThreadPool.java:134)
>> > at
>> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.tasks.AsyncDeliverTasks.execute(AsyncDeliverTasks.java:102)
>> > at
>> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.handler.EventAdminImpl.postEvent(EventAdminImpl.java:180)
>> > at
>> org.apache.felix.eventadmin.impl.security.EventAdminSecurityDecorator.postEvent(EventAdminSecurityDecorator.java:79)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.spi.support.EventAdminTracker.deliver(EventAdminTracker.java:103)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.spi.support.EventAdminTracker.postEvent(EventAdminTracker.java:65)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggingServiceImpl.handleEvents(PaxLoggingServiceImpl.java:417)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggerImpl.doLog0(PaxLoggerImpl.java:1127)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggerImpl.doLog(PaxLoggerImpl.java:1098)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggerImpl.debug(PaxLoggerImpl.java:252)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggingServiceImpl.logImpl(PaxLoggingServiceImpl.java:402)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggingServiceImpl.access$000(PaxLoggingServiceImpl.java:70)
>> > at
>> org.ops4j.pax.logging.log4j2.internal.PaxLoggingServiceImpl$1ManagedPaxLoggingService.log(PaxLoggingServiceImpl.java:678)
>> > at org.apache.felix.cm.impl.Log.log(Log.java:186)
>> > at org.apache.felix.cm.impl.Log.log(Log.java:168)
>> > at
>> org.apache.felix.cm.impl.ConfigurationManager$UpdateConfiguration.run(ConfigurationManager.java:1383)
>> > at org.apache.felix.cm.impl.UpdateThread.run0(UpdateThread.java:122)
>> > at org.apache.felix.cm.impl.UpdateThread.run(UpdateThread.java:84)
>> > at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
>> >
>> >                 <plugin>
>> >                     <groupId>org.apache.karaf.tooling</groupId>
>> >                     <artifactId>karaf-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>> >                     <version>${karaf.plugin.version}</version>
>> >                     <configuration>
>> >
>>  <includeBuildOutputDirectory>false</includeBuildOutputDirectory>
>> >                         <blacklistedFeatures>
>> >                             <!-- will be replaced by felix-http (
>> http://blog.nanthrax.net/?p=1038) -->
>> >                             <feature>http</feature>
>> >                             <feature>pax-web-*</feature>
>> >
>> >                             <!-- diagnostic-feature results in
>> HealthCheck : WARN Inactive bundle 308 org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.boot:
>> >                             <feature>diagnostic</feature>
>> >
>> >                             <!-- Blacklisting the Apache Aries
>> transaction-blueprint bundles to prevent a -->
>> >                             <!-- "Ignored XML validation warning
>> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException". Included by Cellar -->
>> >
>>  <blacklistedFeature>transaction</blacklistedFeature>
>> >                         </blacklistedFeatures>
>> >
>> >                         <blacklistedBundles>
>> >                             <!-- Excluding this bundle from the
>> framework-feature, because of the
>> mvn:jakarta.xml.bind/jakarta.xml.bind-api/2.3.2 bundle from the cxf-feature
>> -->
>> >
>> <bundle>mvn:org.apache.servicemix.specs/org.apache.servicemix.specs.jaxb-api-2.2/2.9.0</bundle>
>> >                         </blacklistedBundles>
>> >                         <bootRepositories>
>> >
>> <bootRepository>mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/spring/${karaf.runtime.version}/xml/features</bootRepository>
>> >                         </bootRepositories>
>> >                         <startupFeatures>
>> >                             <startupFeature>eventadmin</startupFeature>
>> >                         </startupFeatures>
>> >                         <bootFeatures>
>> >                             <bootFeature>scr</bootFeature>
>> >                             <bootFeature>standard</bootFeature>
>> >                             <bootFeature>webconsole</bootFeature>
>> >                             <bootFeature>felix-http</bootFeature>
>> >
>> >
>>  <bootFeature>decanter-collector-jmx</bootFeature>
>> >
>>  <bootFeature>decanter-appender-prometheus</bootFeature>
>> >                         </bootFeatures>
>> >                         <javase>11</javase>
>> >                         <archiveTarGz>false</archiveTarGz>
>> >                         <propertyFileEdits>
>> >
>> ${project.build.directory}/maven-shared-archive-resources/propertyFileEdits/assembly-property-edits.xml
>> >                         </propertyFileEdits>
>> >                         <classifier>distribution</classifier>
>> >                         <useReferenceUrls>true</useReferenceUrls>
>> >                     </configuration>
>> >                 </plugin>
>> >
>> > Kind regards,
>> > Steven Huypens

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