When I pull in Apache Aries spifly on one of my bundles I get a weird
error in karaf.log:
 java.lang.RuntimeException: No Common 
Superclass:no/priv/bang/oldalbum/services/bean/AlbumEntry java/sql/ResultSet

Here's the error:

There is nothing in my code that tries to unify AlbumEntry or ResultSet.

But there is a method that unpacks a row in a ResultSet into an albumentry:

Is that method the cause of the misunderstanding?

Is there a way to tell spifly not to look at any classes in my bundle?

If not, is there a way to make spifly disregard these particular

What I'm trying to do is to load SPI plugins from other bundles
(TwelveMonkeys image IO plugins) so that they become available to my
bundle's code.


- Steinar

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