
We currently distribute new versions via tar-ball / ZIPs.
It is intended to be distributed as a Maven dependency which could then be used 
as a "template" / platform distribution to be customized again via the 
karaf-maven-plugin. But we weren't able to get that done so far.
Docker could be a topic in future.

From: Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 6:30 PM
To: user@karaf.apache.org <user@karaf.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Overriding the default realm for SSH, WebConsole, ...

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>>>>> Cedric Jonas <cedric.jo...@kisters.de>:

> Our goal was to customize the existing Karaf configuration files so that we 
> do not have to spend additional sync efforts each time we update to a new 
> version of Karaf (at least, we need to check if the default configuration 
> file didn't change).

> Is there any good way to do that?

How do you distribute new versions?  As a docker image? As a
tar-ball/zip to be unpacked and started?  Other?

Cédric Jonas - HydroMet - KISTERS AG - Pascalstraße 8+10 - 52076 Aachen - DE | 
+49 2408 9385 -453 | cedric.jo...@kisters.de | www.kisters.de | Handelsregister 
Aachen, HRB-Nr. 7838 | Vorstand: Klaus Kisters, Hanns Kisters | 
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Thomas Klevers
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