Hello, I am writing this email to get your help on an issue with my Apache knox 

I am facing a problem on both YarnUI and Sparkhistory UI where I have to write 
myself rewrite rules for static files like css or js ones. For example when 
trying to access https://<knox>:8443/gateway/default/yarn/ I get 404 errors on 
the following files: 

8:17 ||aa26e33e-e97b-4ff9-a977-79f5e9643ae3|audit| < ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||aa26e33e-e97b-4ff9-a977-79f5e9643ae3|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||aa26e33e-e97b-4ff9-a977-79f5e9643ae3|audit| < ip-address > 
 status: 404 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||475f6c06-c90d-4d14-ae39-9d81d5a51fee|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||475f6c06-c90d-4d14-ae39-9d81d5a51fee|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||475f6c06-c90d-4d14-ae39-9d81d5a51fee|audit| < ip-address > 
 status: 404 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||0ea69ed6-8f4c-4cd1-86ca-ba8d1d30f505|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||0ea69ed6-8f4c-4cd1-86ca-ba8d1d30f505|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||0ea69ed6-8f4c-4cd1-86ca-ba8d1d30f505|audit| < ip-address > 
 status: 404 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||9e5f2aeb-cff2-42cc-ae98-858e994e4214|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||9e5f2aeb-cff2-42cc-ae98-858e994e4214|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||9e5f2aeb-cff2-42cc-ae98-858e994e4214|audit| < ip-address > 
 status: 404 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||91eb4324-6b52-41ab-8473-6aebd0fec591|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||91eb4324-6b52-41ab-8473-6aebd0fec591|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||5c26cfad-9397-406a-bc66-dfa668933d9a|audit| < ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||91eb4324-6b52-41ab-8473-6aebd0fec591|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 status: 404 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||5c26cfad-9397-406a-bc66-dfa668933d9a|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||5c26cfad-9397-406a-bc66-dfa668933d9a|audit| < ip-address > 
 status: 404 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||3aaa7592-bf99-4c84-814b-7a985a27454c|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 method: GET 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||3aaa7592-bf99-4c84-814b-7a985a27454c|audit| < 
ip-address > 
 24/07/11 15:18:17 ||3aaa7592-bf99-4c84-814b-7a985a27454c|audit| < ip-address > 
 status: 404


This the page I get without JS or CSS with the following message This page will 
not function without javascript enabled. Please enable javascript on your 

I found a post with the same issue [ 
 | here ] but after replacing my rewrite.xml with the IBM one I still had the 
same problems 

To fix this issue I had to change the /static rule the following way. 

< rule dir = "OUT" name = "YARNUI/yarn/outbound/static" pattern = 
"/static/{**}" > < rewrite template = "{$frontendUrl[url]}/static/{**}" /> </ 
rule > 

< rule dir = "OUT" name = "YARNUI/yarn/outbound/static" pattern = 
"/static/{**}" > < rewrite template = "{$serviceUrl[YARNUI]}/static/{**}" /> </ 
rule > 

Also doing that doesn’t feel right since all the links on the Yarn UI are still 
broken for example clicking on the application link in the left nav bar 
redirects me to 

(without the gateway in front for some reason) where I get a 404 error. 

The same problem seems to happen to Spark History UI. When trying to access to 
https://<knox>:8443/gateway/default/spark3history the only thing with a 
response 200 is the html document of the sparkui page but every other 
ressources gets a 404 error. 

I added the following rule in data/services/spark3historyui/3.0.0/rewrite.xml 
< rule dir = "OUT" name = "SPARKHISTORYUI/outbound/static" pattern = 
"/static/{**}" > < rewrite template = 
"{$serviceUrl[SPARKHISTORYUI]}/static/{**}" /> </ rule > 

which fixes the css but I am still having issues with the jquery called made to 
get the json of all the jobs. 

Here is the output of gateway.log 
2024-07-11 15:44:12,879  DEBUG knox.gateway 
(PortMappingHelperHandler.java:handleDefaultTopologyMapping(150)) - Default 
topology forward from /api/v1/applications to 
/gateway/default/api/v1/applications 2024-07-11 15:44:12,880 
568624ae-69ea-4574-b162-3faa22c9d85e DEBUG knox.gateway 
(GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(126)) - Received request: GET /api/v1/applications 
2024-07-11 15:44:13,356  TRACE gateway.access (AccessHandler.java:log(49)) - 
||||GET|https:// < knox-host > 

I’m pretty sure that the problems on those 2 services are linked and that I’m 
missing something in my configuration but I can’ t tell what at all. To give 
additional informations Here is my default topology and my gateway-site.xml 

I replaced my host <knox-host> for privacy issues here but I am using a real 
host in those files. 
< topology > < gateway > < provider > < role > webappsec </ role > < name > 
WebAppSec </ name > < enabled > true </ enabled > </ provider > < provider > < 
role > hostmap </ role > < name > static </ name > < enabled > false </ enabled 
> < param > < name > localhost </ name > < value > 
sandbox,sandbox.hortonworks.com </ value > </ param > </ provider > < provider 
> < role > identity-assertion </ role > < name > Default </ name > < enabled > 
false </ enabled > </ provider > < provider > < role > federation </ role > < 
name > SSOCookieProvider </ name > < enabled > true </ enabled > < param > < 
name > sso.authentication.provider.url </ name > < value > https:// < knox-host 
> :8443/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso </ value > </ param > </ provider > </ 
gateway > < service > < role > KNOX </ role > </ service > < service > < role > 
HDFSUI </ role > < version > 2.7.0 </ version > < url > https:// < host > 
:50070 </ url > </ service > < service > < role > NAMENODE </ role > < url > 
https://localhost:8020 </ url > < param > < name > webhdfs-redirect </ name > < 
value > https:// < host > :8443/gateway/default/webhdfs/v1 </ value > </ param 
> </ service > < service > < role > WEBHDFS </ role > < url > https:// < host > 
:50070/webhdfs </ url > </ service > < service > < role > YARNUI </ role > < 
version > 2.7.0 </ version > < url > https:// < host > :8088 </ url > < param > 
< name > webyarn-redirect </ name > < value > https:// < host > 
:8443/gateway/default/webhdfs/v1 </ value > </ param > </ service > < service > 
< role > YARN </ role > < url > https:// < host > :8088/ </ url > </ service > 
< service > < role > HBASEUI </ role > < url > https:// < host > :60010 </ url 
> </ service > < service > < role > SPARK3HISTORYUI </ role > < version > 3.0.0 
</ version > < url > https:// < host > :18080 </ url > </ service > < 
application > < name > admin-ui </ name > </ application > </ topology > 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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        <description>The HTTP port for the Gateway.</description>

        <description>The default context path for the gateway.</description>

        <description>The directory within GATEWAY_HOME that contains gateway 
topology files and deployments.</description>

        <description>Boolean flag indicating whether the Hadoop cluster 
protected by Gateway is secured with Kerberos</description>

        <description>Absolute path to krb5.conf file</description>

        <description>Absolute path to JAAS login config file</description>

        <description>Boolean flag indicating whether to enable debug messages 
for krb5 authentication</description>

    <!-- @since 0.10 Websocket configs -->
        <description>Enable/Disable websocket feature.</description>

        <description>Enable/Disable cookie scoping feature.</description>

        <description>Enable/disable Ambari cluster configuration 

        <description>The interval (in seconds) for polling Ambari for cluster 
configuration changes.</description>
    <!-- @since 2.0.0 WebShell configs -->
    <!-- must have websocket enabled to use webshell -->
        <description>Enable/Disable webshell feature.</description>
        <description>Maximum number of total concurrent webshell 
        <description>[Experimental Feature] Enable/Disable webshell command 
audit logging.
            NOTE: Turning this on might log secrets that might be part of
            command line arguments, please consider this before turning this 
        <description>Web Shell buffer size for reading</description>

    <!-- @since 2.0.0 websocket JWT validation configs -->
        <description>Enable/Disable websocket JWT validation at websocket 

    <!-- @since 1.5.0 homepage logout -->
        <description>Enable/disable logout from the Knox Homepage.</description>

    <!-- @since 1.6.0 token management related properties -->
        <description>A duration (in seconds) beyond a token’s expiration to 
wait before evicting its state. This configuration only applies when 
server-managed token state is enabled either in gateway-site or at the topology 

    <!-- Knox Admin related config -->

    <!-- DEMO LDAP config for Hadoop Group Provider -->
        <description>The comma-delimited list of service roles for which the 
gateway.dispatch.whitelist should be applied.</description>


    <!--<value>DEFAULT</value> -->
            <description>The whitelist to be applied for dispatches associated 
with the service roles specified by gateway.dispatch.whitelist.services.
    If the value is DEFAULT, a domain-based whitelist will be derived from the 
Knox host.</description>


        <description>Add service name to x-forward-context header for the list 
of services defined above.</description>


My spark version 

I think that there is a better way to achieve this without having to do all the 
manual workarounds ? 

Thanks for your help 

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