Hi Kudu community,

It's my great pleasure to announce that the PMC has voted to add both
Alexey Serbin and Will Berkeley as committers and PMC members.

Alexey has been contributing for a few months, including developing some
pretty meaty (and tricky) additions. Two of note are the addition of
doxygen for our client APIs, as well as the implementation of
AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND in C++. He has also been quite active in reviews
recently, having reviewed 40+ patches in the last couple months. He also
contributed by testing and voting on the recent 0.10 release.

Will has been a great contributor as well, spending a lot of time in areas
that don't get as much love from others. In particular, he's made several
fixes to the web UIs, has greatly improved the Flume integration, and has
been burning down a lot of long-standing bugs recently. Will also spends a
lot of his time outside of Kudu working with users and always has good
input on what our user community will think of a feature. Like Alexey, Will
also participated in the 0.10 release process.

Both of these community members have already been "acting the part" through
their contributions detailed above, and the PMC is excited to continue
working with them in their expanded roles.

Please join me in congratulating them!


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