Thank you Dan! My follow-up comments with XiaoNing.

发件人: Dan Burkert []
发送时间: 2018年3月16日 1:06
主题: Re: A few questions for using Kudu

Hi, answers inline:
On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 3:12 AM, 张晓宁 
<<>> wrote:
I have a few questions for using kudu:

1.       As more and more data inserted to kudu, the performance decrease. 
After continuous data insertion for about 30 minutes, the TPS performance 
decreased with 20%, and after 1-hour data insertion, the performance decreased 
with 40%. Is this a known issue?
This is expected if you are inserting data in random order.  If you try another 
benchmark where you insert data in primary key sorted order, you'll see that 
the performance will be much higher, and more consistent.  If you have a heavy 
insert workload, this kind of optimization is critical.  The table's 
partitioning and primary key can often be designed to make this happen 
naturally, but it's a dataset dependent thing, so without more specifics about 
your data it's difficult to give more precise advice.
 XiaoNing: Our table has 2 partitions,the first level partition is by date 
range(using the column timestamp),one partition for one single day, and the 
second partition is by a hash on 2 column(key + host).These 3 
columns(timestamp,key,host) are the primary key of the table.For you comment 
“insert data in primary key sorted order”,do you mean we need to sort the data 
on the 3 primary-key columns before insertion?

2.       When setting the replica number to be 1, totally I will have 2 copy of 
data(1 master data + 1 replica data), is this true?
That's incorrect.  The master node does not hold any table data.  If you set 
the number of replicas to be 1, you will lose data if you lose the tablet 
server which holds the replica.  We always recommend production workloads set 
number of replicas to 3 in order to have fault tolerance.
 XiaoNing: So if we want to have fault tolerance, we should at least set the 
replica number to be 3, right?

3.       I want to install kudu 1.6, but our machine cannot connect to public 
internet. Will kudu team build out the rpm packages for 1.6 version?

The Apache Kudu project does not provide binary artifacts for releases, however 
vendors can and do.  For instance you can find Cloudera's RPMs corresponding to 
Kudu 1.6 
 XiaoNing: Got it, thanks.
- Dan

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