Hi Kudu dev community,

I'm posting this to dev@ and BCC'ing user@ -- let's follow up on the Kudu
dev@ list.

Following up on some previous email threads on the topic of growing the
Kudu community, I would like to know if Kudu developers / interested
community members would be interested in having a real-time chat meeting
(online) to discuss progress and continue those discussions.

*What*: The agenda would be to evaluate progress on and discuss action
items in service of the following goals:

   1. Increase adoption of Kudu in general (and remove barriers to adoption)
   2. Increase the number of contributors to Kudu, especially committers

In addition to reviewing and updating the list of action items, I'd also
like to get volunteers for things that need help to get completed (or

*When / Where*: Let's meet in the #kudu-general chat room on the getkudu
<https://getkudu-slack.herokuapp.com/> Slack instance for one hour starting
at 10am PDT on Tuesday, November 13.

For those who can't attend in real-time, the chat history will be available
and I'll send notes to the mailing list afterward, so we can also discuss
the same topics over email after the meeting.

Please let me know if this sounds like something you'd like to take part in
or if you have a suggestion for a better way to coordinate this effort,
want to propose an alternative time, etc.

Please find below the current list of action items compiled by Grant and me.



*Being worked on:*

   - KUDU-2411 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KUDU-2411>: Binary
   artifacts (Linux / macOS) on Maven to enable a Kudu MiniCluster usable by
   external projects - Grant / Mike
   - KUDU-2402 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KUDU-2402>: Gerrit
   Sign In UI bug: we upgraded Gerrit to 2.4.15 but unfortunately it didn't
   fix the issue (we thought this was in the list of fixed issues for 2.4.6).
   We are going to try updating some RewriteRules next - Mike working with
   Cloudera IT, who hosts this infrastructure

*Not being worked on:*

*Increase number of contributors*

   - Support GitHub pull requests (forward to Gerrit?)
   - Create more contributor-focused FAQs and docs (wiki?)
   - Code overview and C++ guidelines article targeted at Java developers
   - Quarterly email to the dev/user lists with links to beginner / newbie
   - Video walkthrough of Kudu code base, including how to set up a dev env
   with <insert C++ code editor or IDE of choice here>
   - Simplify CONTRIBUTING.adoc

*Increase adoption*


   - Binary artifacts as part of the Apache Kudu release process
      - DEB / RPM packages
      - Tarball releases
      - Ports / Homebrew integration for macOS
   - Full fledged demos / application examples
   - Easy ingest tools for demos, i.e. CLI tools for CSV -> Kudu or similar
   - Schedule regular meetups / hold more talks
   - Improve client APIs to make integration easier / more powerful (need
   specific ideas)
   - More blog posts, including invited blog posts
   - More documentation / blog posts about existing integrations that
   people may not know how to use

*Product improvements*

For now, let's leave big-ticket features off this list -- most are pretty
obvious and they'll take up all the oxygen in the room. Let's reserve this
section for relatively low-effort and high-reward quality-of-life
improvements to the product.

   - TBD

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